Agreed. But, wouldn't it be cool if they chose us to be representatives of certain races???!?!?!?! I would DEFINETLY be on around the clock after that. I may even play the game long into adulthood if that happened. And if it did happen, I hope you (ZANE), and I would be chosen.
Meh, I guess. I actually like the sound of Robomajorians better, btw. I guess it would just be cool to even be nominated, let alone be IN CHARGE of an entire race.
gg. not with Lopdo, but we went a game w/ Noviota, Robomajor, and myself, with a guest and Siri spectating. A few of the top names in this game went a friendly round. Was fun
Yea. It's hard to get everyone in the game at the same time given that we all live in different time zones. I don't see Lopdo very much cuz hes basically on the other side of the world from me.