Work has resumed on Vortex Wars 3! You can try it at You can use the same account you use at Please note that it is a work in progress, so there will be bugs, missing features, and data related to new features (clans, the new map editor, etc.) could be lost.
The focus for VW3 will be:
- Clans
- Tournaments
- Re-adding the map editor
- New races
- Prevent players from joining a game after being kicked from it twice
- Improve mod tools
There might be additional changes, depending on time.
What's done:
- When using the beta website, the What's New window shows the changes for each alpha and beta release.
- 'CLANS' tab added to social window. From there, you can create, view, and join clans.
- Since clans are stored outside of PlayerIO, you can fuzzy search for a clan!
- 'MY CLAN' tab added to social window
- Founder can edit clan tag and description and dissolve the clan
- View announcement (founder can edit)
- View list of members and their profile
- Founder can kick members
Map Editor Dashboard
- All features from VW 2.4 have been re-added
- Maps are now stored outside of PlayerIO. This will allow for exciting new features to be added in the future.
Map Editor
- Work has started on the map editor
Shop content
- Holiday races and backgrounds have been removed from the shop
- Frankenstein, Werewolves, and Tannenbaums have had their bonus reduced by 5% in their description. Their bonus in-game hasn't been changed yet.