Surrender of the rebbels leader

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Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby clan ghost bear » Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:16 pm

think you might wanna hear this
the new commander JeremyTheEmperor has requested me to become the rebbel leader once again and he opend a forum about this mater, post your thoughts about this and if you want me back or not* ... f=4&t=1690

i enlarged this so people will pay attention*

I am now ( if you miss on JTE forum ) the commander again, for history leason ( or tell i find a way to deleat this forum if i know how?) this will be up for ferther info

We wern't and anti TG group, we only have 1 main goal then we move on to our next one.

rebbel fonded: 2011 12th of october, mini merc legion of 3 men founded 5 weeks after game made ( forgot when)


We have fought and died hard fellow commrades. but this is the end for me.
as the result of my surrender I must give a list of all members and targets and missions

jerremy the emperor will need help with recruiting, i advise you ask scarto or alaska456,

Rebbels word: The day we fought, we stand tall, we help our comrades and reach the goal of the rebbels,
the day we deid, we held our ground, we help to recover what was lost and eliman8 enemies one by one.

All known members and team set*
teams are determend by time zone,skill and amount of time played on*
-akatsukipain =B
-JerremyTheEmperor= A
-Treyby =B
-Scarto =A
-Mercury = A
-DiDI8 =B
-spear =B
-Alaska456 =A
-Zse6konn =B
-Genyo =B
team c or "stealth team" don't want to be named here(not including "-solderBoy626 = C ), so im just gonna say 7 of them are in c team,
there is no D team yet and as i said i quit, i don't have access to new recruits from the new comander if there are any.

Unlisted 13 men and woman that think they can be band by this or fear a Anti-rebbels men hunt by some other, merc groups like the black cobras

waiting list are un named 36 people.
Allyed groupes: ,sunLancer,darkBrotherHood,battle n0obs,shard keepers

Allyed peopleor no attacking: Highlander,l0llero, anti-tech gump ( a guest made an account and named him that, he wanted to help the rebbels even more after saving his back,he muxt be the first LV that buyed a dragon,santa,reptiles and upgrades with warcoin, he made me proud XD )

Againts :black cobras, men in blue

Target list ( out of date* )
1.TechGump (kill on sight) ( no need anymore *)
2.Mipster (kill on sight) (no need anymore* )
4.demon678 ( done )
5.hatchu ( done )
8.Hitler ( user name* not real hitler*) (done)
9.da lolmage ( done/ change in heart*)
10 and 11 are racest, abusive, and know how to throw insults, ( kill on sight , there to far gone to know any means of diplomancy, kill over and over tell they cry)

I still expeacted the remainding rebbels to kill these targets that arn't done. thats your first mission jeremy the emperor.

reason Tech gump is target is for many reasons,
all rebbels want revenge on him,
people want him of leader boards,
Im scard from my constant heavy losess,
people want our merc's work and make him loss,

Mission- boot camp result: success!
learn of pro leader boards, ( more spying) build your current tactic with there ones and make a massive great tactic that is a killer! play with other rebbels in a test round and kill each other to see who got the best tactic, after that test in game, nearly kill tech tell servay disconnected, sorry for blaming you techgump for booting me, i know its a nearly cuas i lost to much games and i found some tell tell sings of win, loss, trouble, backstab, cripeld enemies, running outa units ect, i can read the battle feild like a map now, 1 prob, I'm not a person that can say, ha! you make mistake and i know how to exploit it!
result, getting better, use to deffeat, and know when you are disconnected from game or booted.

Mission- pincer attack result: failer,
we finaly got tech gump in the coner and 2 vs Tg and where winning! 3 secs later, we should have buyed upgrades?
result failed becuase we failed to get rebbels with upgrades and tech gump got the upper hand,

Mission- black eye result: failed,
set up a fake "techGump" game to attract friends and foes of him, goal, ally with foes and destroy allies.
Failed because of lack of players and Friends and foes

Mission-hidden Widow. result: failed,
Gained up attack on techgump, Goal, victory
fail because of Techgumps full map and cuase of lack of land and attack in area,

Mission- spare window. result: success,
kill domon678 over and over,goal make him eat his own words
after 7 deaths in a row we founded a diplomatic way to end the stuggle

Mission- FoF result: failed.
Discover techGump friends and allies. Gaols find his secretes
fail because of lack of friends and allies in time.

Mission- stalking black bird result: Success
spy/stalk/follow tech gump for 4 straught days and nights, goal, find everything we can on tech gump
result, Known time of play and attack streatagies and races owned.

Mission- deep scar result: incompleat
get all revanges and vengence for all rebbels. goal, revenge met

operation-hide and seek result: never started
Get mipster and make him leave.
result, mipster never found or seen. unable to lauch attack.

operation- Tech tech BOOM. result: failed
get rid of tech gump before he reaches to far high level
result,tech reach to high lv to fast

opperation- man hunt, result: success
Eleman8 all aposing organisations and targets to end there constant ambush attacks
result, all organisations now fear us,

Opperation- men in blue result: success ( more or less )
word spreaded about the power of techgump and mods
result, guest are scared, newbies by allot of warcoin and get anything at disposel o
the rebbels that helped in that opperation took it to far and thats the result*

Opperation- refuge result: success
get all lv 10 and below a good start in game before they see what a 23 loss strike looks like
result, all lv 10- in that time got helped

Operation-black out, result: success.
Surrender and leave the rebbels
Result , uncompleted

Opperation- Vortexfeild 51, result: success tell this time*
keep hidden under tech gump radar

Opperation- last will, result: N/A
A tech gump hunt hired by one un-named person
Result: in prosess.

-updated (new)-

Opperation- T.G.G.A.A Result: Failed
(Tech Gump group attack allience,)
With the allied groups we found, we group attack tech gump for 3 straight hours in a 7 vs TG attack,
TG won all or a ally attacks an ally for not doing something right,
Result: TG won all games even with the odds or a ally attacks an other group ally for not doing something right,

Opperation- word to the people ( propaganda),
With the power of, Deviant art,youtube, and google we have made propaganda posters, adds, vids, ect
If your a dragon age fan, you know there is an arch demon dragon? with the intro in the begening of game, we made techgump the arch demon, of the awacking expansion we made hatchu " the mother ( evil ) and karren the architect ( good guy) with war posters like, the rebbels wan't you! ( fingure pointing at you) and some small writing about tech gump, i will show you some that is available, sence im no longer a rebbels i can't access the account for them,
Ressult: unclear, and increass of members joined and also the Black cobras attack more frequently,

Opperation- word to the politics ( propaganda )
make adds on populer web sits like armorgames, kongregate, face book about the proplem known as tech gump,
ressult: success up untill we ran out of money to pay the adds on, adds was on for 3 weeks,

Opperation- B.C.E.P Result: more or less success
(black cobra's elimanation programe)
Eliman8 the B,C's to remove mass attacks on missions, ( 1 reason we keep lossing againts Tech Gump, there like his gaurds that also want to kill him...)
Result, %94 went into exile, %5 went into hidding, 1% unknown

plan #1-b5
surrender to techgump and become his primary ( if there is already one were secondary) heavy gaurds
idea abandon from going againts are word and the rebbels that made that idea ( team c ) forgot that tech hates allies,teams,group,tretties,comrades, and sun light

plan #0-A1
ask tech gump to join,
thats before they say people are mods, we can still draw with 8 people and tech gump was more nicer... times changed

Plan #2-v3
ask karren to join
rest of team disagree becuase she is still with " the men in blue " ( name dosn't work if sayed, women in blue( name based from "men in black as an suits, cia, secreat goverment, ect...) even thou karrens that nicest, ( and dosn't hate my guts or wan't to kill me with some insults like mipster, tech gump, hatchu, arcticstorm , domon, and docter what? ) ;-;

plan #1-B2
send word to rest of rebbels that we don't shout and then think of what you done, talk it out, and find prob why this guy is emotionale and want to kill you or our employers want to kill him,

plan #1-N1
get new documents and files, runin out of space for paper work and servaying tech gump results, ( i do write these down, am i over doing it? anything to get TG)

plan #1-N2
find a better whay to ask,plan, inform other rebbels of new missions and targets,
some rebbels still trying to get mipster and domon, and even cheeser ( first target ever, we made him abandon game,... thats puplic service, people keep reporting him and he makes a fake story, like i only says $%@! caus he sayed it, he was talking about an other mod, called mod says "...?"

Plan #1-s3
hire the dark brother hood to take out tech gump, guess what? ding ding ding! tech gump wins a 7 vs him over and over and over!, he didn't notice that they trying to kill him more then each other cuas ( sence tech plays full map ) they kill each other trying to kill tech gump!

Plan #1-o0
Recruit new rebbels and help retain the black cobras return to a hault,
find a counter messure to remove the black cobras permently this time,

This is no joke, we tried, we failed,
If you think its funny well it is but keep in mind this is real,
and this will be updated when more "files" i lost in the NZ quake are found under the rubble what i once called home,

attacking tech gump was posto scare him or make him know we are a threat... the black cobras find us doin it and fail,fail,FAIL!, the black cobras are outa the picture and the new comander won't have all the paper work what i had... you can't beleave how much info i got from the some spy missions, i got enough to make a book, but that will give all you people a way to bring him down and we are the ones that wan't to be in the history books!
Last edited by clan ghost bear on Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:18 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby Lopdo » Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:23 pm

This made me lol :)
except for operation "men in blue", I didn't get what it was supposed to be about. Is it something that could potentially hurt the game by scaring off new players?

anyway, I wish I was interesting enough to make bunch of people put this much time and effort to do something like this. Congratz, tech :)
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby clan ghost bear » Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:50 pm

Lopdo wrote:This made me lol :)
except for operation "men in blue", I didn't get what it was supposed to be about. Is it something that could potentially hurt the game by scaring off new players?

anyway, I wish I was interesting enough to make bunch of people put this much time and effort to do something like this. Congratz, tech :)
It was originally to warn people about techgump... some rebbels over did it and scare them to much, we we're trying to rebble againts techgump and his friends but as you can see it didn't turn out well... that is about when the rebbels went into exile for 2 months.
techgump still scares me...
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby furqi » Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:27 pm

lol this is exactly why this forum is much funnier then any comic book. I see alot of your missions succeeded right :roll: (sarcastic) lol i love how techgump just pwned you guys without even knowing you what you were trying to do lol.
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby Awesome400 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:10 am

Im just curious how long did it take you to type this? :)
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby furqi » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:25 am

lol i love mission tech tech boom
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby techgump » Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:44 am

:lol: This is funny.
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby Drone6o3 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:38 am

:D I stalked TechGump ounce, he doesn't do much, just watch's chat and plays like 2 games a day,
I wanted to learn good qualities to try and become an unpaid Mod, I learned more from Karen in 2 minutes then following Techgump all day, :lol:

Im TechGumps Biggest fan, and don't bother trying to track me down Rebels, I never name my games after myself. Also im only lvl 14 and i look up to Gump, not run. :lol:
Last edited by Drone6o3 on Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby Ratburntro44 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:25 pm

^I actually stalked techgump and figured out the city he lives in, the street address of where he works, and his real name. Don't ask.
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Re: Surrender of the rebbels leader

Postby Drone6o3 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:07 pm

Ratburntro44 wrote:^I actually stalked techgump and figured out the city he lives in, the street address of where he works, and his real name. Don't ask.

Holy Crap really?
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