ghostbot wrote:Join a clan or not
What have i, if i join a clan?
Is there somewhere a good clan with active players?
Did i have more fun?
Is there somewhere a clan with a few german players?
Did i something forget
Clans are completely pointless I would suggest not joining. If you enjoy the getting together as a group part and having battles then maybe. I consider it to watching TV when your tv show is on at a specific time instead of watching it on HULU or another online site at your convince. Your better off not joining into any groups because with that comes more drama and any thing you say or do can be made to hold you responsible because you represent that group. Say you are having a bad day and you just want to yell at a noob if your in a clan they may frown on that
Clans are like gangs but in real life gangs you get more money, drugs, safety. But here you get none of that...
Just enjoy the game by yourself and post in forums and talk to people if you seek the social element of the experience but if you have to ask then NO! don't join a clan!