Vortex Community's Short Stories

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Vortex Community's Short Stories

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:13 pm

This Topic will be Random "short" Stories, Written by Papa Drone :D
Founder of Warriors Creed! 8-)
And that one Brony Clan I made for lols that nobody uses :cry:
And also some other clans... Like Eta's Armed Guard (In Grepolis, when I played along time ago... and no I will not join again...) :?
(Sorry, it's just not happening...) :x (Not enough time) :roll:

Anywho... Enjoy dah Reads :P :geek:

:ugeek: Any novelist/writer may submit a story and if you want I will add it to the list, just tell me what "genre" it is.

Also if anybody would like me to write in or add another genre I will give it my best shot. :D

But seriously, I want this to be a Library of stories :) Each story will have an intro so you can decide if you want to read it or not (If it doesn't come with one I will write one for it)

:P With permission of Lopdo or another Moderator Erotic novels maybe aloud.... >.> Maybe... I don't want to weird forced rape harem shit going on... :x

Anywho... Titles of those will be rated NSFW so you can just ignore it and no smut is shown unless spoiler is open :oops:
And I will not be contributing to it.. >.> I just figured it is a Public Library... (This section will be near the bottom)
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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:13 pm

Fang's Bladed Crucible By: Drone6o3

Spoiler: show
Not Finished
This is a story about a world called Crucious. On the world there is a great war between man and wolf, and through being tainted by dark magic both sides have some of their ken formed into Lycans by the God of War, Mars. Led by Fang, who was once a cub, the Lycans claim Crucious for Mars and themselves, & the humans and wolves end up on Earth, where the God Terra protects them from Mars and the Lycans.

Spoiler: show
Long ago in a distant world, just beyond Mars, was a planet Crucious. This world was one of a world of men and wolves. Ever at war in a never ending bloody fight for power both forces were growing restless and even desperate. The humans where a hardworking empire that often relied on magic they obtained through knowledge given to them by the gods. Humans sought out magic for many of their problems throughout history, & many times they had found it was the answer. It was not the answer for the war against wolves though. For you see the wolves where immune to many of the magical forces that could wield. Their thick coats protected them from both fire and ice. Their strength was so overwhelming they could shred through rock & ice, also their speed so fast they could even outrun the magic of wind.

After millennium of war among themselves the world had grown hatred against the humans, & many fronts rose to stop them, and all had been vanquished, except the wolves. The wolves once roamed in packs, & the humans in clans. Each pack fought for dominance as each clan did. After thousands of years arose new kingdoms though, that of which threatened the life of all on the planet, so the packs united as a force to stop it. Soon after the humans had done the same in 1 front to burn and purge the world of wolves. They could not though, the wolves fought as a relentless unending hoard that always continued. Armor ripped from Knights, Staffs from Wizards, and Arms from all who fought against the wolves. After decades of fighting the world of man once again turned to the Gods for an answer. What they had learned had sent rage and discontent throughout the kingdom of man.

For man had learned the Gods would not give them the last magic, and had been told they were not to seek it out. They knew it was a powerful magic so they sought it out none the less. The Gods continued to warn them, as you see, darkness was not to be controlled. Humans became masters of all magics, from fire to ice, earth to wind, healing to burning, even pure light. They only magic they had not yet controlled was that of darkness, but that was only because their ancestors and even them today was warned against such actions by the Gods of old. Many though became tainted by power and corruption and only sought to have more.

Man fought with all of their strength to get near the heart of the wolf kingdom, and after years of pure blood and determination found it, the dark center of the planet filled with the blood of innocents. The world of man sent their best mages, and all screamed in agonizing pain before their souls and finally left their bodies. Then the world of man studied manuscripts and after gaining knowledge proceeded to send in innocent children that showed promise of magical talent. The kids flesh burned off and the screamed, their souls still young and flexible became tainted, & then they grew fur, like that of a wolf. They had become what mankind had only seen in nightmares.

Among the children was a cub, which had been hiding under the ground. The cub’s name was Fang, & he was alone as mankind had killed off the rest of the pact. With his heart filled with anger and discontent he changed too. He changed into a hellish being which lost his form and grew into that of a child. He thought he was a freak then dug out of his hole to find himself surrounded by others. He then coursed his new companions into taking out the men of the facility which had been built. It was time for a revolution in the world, a time for a new force melded by demons to ride forth.

After the reclamation for their home the hybrids, which they had been called, became lead by Fang. These creature adopted traits from both man and wolf, only the traits which were seen as impure and of hellish form though. The skull conjoined, with the jaw of wolves, skull plate of man, eyes of wolf, & ears of man. They had the hind legs and stature of wolf, although could walk or run like man, & also had the hands of man. They also had a short bobbed tail only half a foot long. They referred to themselves as the pure breed of Lycan.

Angered by the disobedience of the humans, the Gods left. Only one had stayed to watch though, and he was the God of war. For Mars did not have a long journey so he figured he would do his best to keep the humans alive, as they often brought him amusement & thought it would be a shame for them to be wiped out. With the gods gone the humans had learned that the magic they held in such high regards was gone as well, all but that of darkness. Mars now had an army which faithfully followed him, lead my their Alpha, Fang. With his army the God of War took control of Crucious, the world of Magic. Using humans as slaves the Lycan Empire grew strong & once living in dens and huts now lived like kings in city states. The wolves though, remained fighting and could not be controlled. Although a few pacts where subdued and grew to work with humans, they were disowned by the wolves, as dogs.
Fang grew restless one eve and went out in search for conquest, but did not bring an army. They revered General and King went into the war zone fought his way through blood, fire, and dirt, all the way to the Capital of the wolves to meet their Alpha. Once there he bowed to their leader, Autumn. Shocked by this the wolf sent his entire ken away. They then exchanged stories of battle, Fang started with his favorite story, the one of his youth. “When I was just a cub my family had been slaughtered by the fiendish hands of man, scared and alone I dug down and prayed to a god, any god. I was answered by Mars, and he told me that to beat those who bring you harm you must learn to understand them & that is what I did. I grew limbs and lost others. My heart burned and my fur lit ablaze and turned black. I then arose to find more, but they were once ken of man, but that did not matter as they felt betrayal and hatred towards both parties. I continued to lead them forward removing all threats to them. The so called scientists who probed and studied them, the leaders who forced them into pits of blood, and even their old king who promised them glory. Little did he know what was promised would come, but not under his rule.”

Autumn amazed by this tale he told his own in hopes it might compare. “Long before the days of Lycans, the world was engulfed in flames by man. They expanded their borders far beyond what was accepted by even the Gods, but they only stood a watched. The wolves though, we acted. Although fighting for many days on who was the true Alpha, we united under one banner, & fought the true threat. The humans burned our women and children, tortured our captives, and even made clothing from us. In return we slaughtered all we could find, all but the children. We tried to feed them, but unlike us they didn't seem to enjoy rabbit. We often mourned our losses, howling in the night, & asking Gods to forgive us for letting the children die. The humans saw this as an offense by us and then proceeded to declare it war. I personally had been shot by hundreds of what I learned where arrows just trying to protect cubs from black rain made by man. That is why wolves are at war with man, & now Lycans.”

Fang angered by this left the land of wolves and demanded Mars slaughter all the human slaves. Mars was angered by this, as he was a God of man, not wolf. He declared Fang a traitorous dog and sent him forth into the war zone. Never getting an explanation for Fang’s haste, Autumn feared he was planning an attack. So he readied his men and once they saw him, they attacked. Now from both sides Fang was being assaulted, and no longer felt he had a home. He then fought his way to the wilderness and once again dug himself and hole in the dirt and prayed for a God. He was answered by the God of Earth, Terra. She told him that he could not live there as Mars would claim her world, as he did with Crucious, but that man and wolf may. He pondered this and accepted it, and asked how he may help. She told him to go deep in the heart of the world of man and find what they called “the core”.

~To Be Continued~

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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:14 pm

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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:14 pm

Big Crash, Strapped for Cash By: Drone6o3

Spoiler: show
This is a Story about a young boy named Jake who is born in the 1950's in Detroit. He is a good young boy that gets tainted by the world after his fathers death during a riot in the early 1970's. He later joins a gang, and eventually swears vengeance against the "white devil" after his mom dies by the hands of the KKK (Alternate History)

Spoiler: show
Down in a city we all know as Detroit lived a kid name Jake. He was born in 1953, just 14 years before the economic collapse of his beloved city. His dad worked in an auto factory, maintaining order in the assembly line. Jake on the other hand just focused on one thing. Jake wanted to get a job as an auto mechanic. He knew he wanted to be a mechanic since he was but 8 years old. So he worked hard in school for 6 years. He spent his summers in the garage, playing with all sorts of tools. He even made himself a car from scraps at his father’s work, years before he could even learn to drive.

Now Jake was a smart boy, and when he saw all of the people leaving Detroit he got nervous. He had a bad feeling, & begged his daddy for him and his mom to live with granny and gramps for a while. He felt like they knew something he didn't, and he wanted out. His daddy told him “It was all okay, & that the white man was only leaving because they just some racist nigga haters.” Little did he know that the white people had starting leaving in large numbers 3 years before he was even born. He only noticed now because his best friend moved to New York City.

After his friend moved, Jake started playing close attention to his surroundings. He witnessed hate crimes before his very eyes. He also saw drug trades, & even his principle hiring some girls before taking them into his office. He was disgusted with his surroundings & wondered why it had all gone downhill so fast. All Jake new is crime was rising, his father’s pay reducing, & he wasn't even in high school yet. He begged his dad to let him go after this year; once again his father was hesitant, but finally agreed. With just 1 month left before he graduated from middle school, riots broke out.

When Jake got home he’d heard his father had been killed at the factory he was working at. He cried for hours mourning the death of his father, & when he finally came out he saw his mother being bent over the living room couch by some random man in a mask. He didn't notice earlier because he was crying so loud he couldn't hear the screams of his mother. She had red hand prints around her neck and looked like she was being forced to keep quiet. Jake so enraged at his father’s death & his mother being raped right before his eyes he grabbed a knife from the kitchen, snuck up behind his mother’s assailant and slit his throat where he stood.

His mother in tears, Jake held her. She felt so weak and tired; he could only feel her body shaking. Jake looked out his window and saw the building next door engulfed in flames. He asked his mother if they were going to get dad a proper funeral. She said that it was impossible, because his body was never found. Jake in tears stood tall, promising to never let anything bad happen to his mother again. Just minutes later a man with what he thought was a Jaguar tattoo on his face came in asking if everyone was okay. Jake answered his mother was just raped and his father died earlier in the afternoon during a riot that hit where his dad worked. The man looked straight into Jake’s eyes and told him this, “Listen kid, this is hell now, just be happy yours dad’s probably in heaven. Now grab your mom and let’s go before the white devil comes back for your mom.” Jake feeling relieved and concerned at the same time grabbing his mother and followed this man.

Later once Jake had reached a building far inside the ghettos of Detroit he learned this man was part of a Gang known as the Black Panther Renegades. They owned a small section in suburban Detroit, right next to the south western half of the city. Now Jake still didn't hate white people or the “white devils” as they called them, but these men where armed, & kept his mother safe, & that was all he cared about right now. Now after a couple months, Jake noticed they had a lot of broken down vehicles. He asked if he could work on the vehicles & they said as long as he didn't fuck uhm up even more it wasn't an issue. After a couple of weeks he got a pickup with a fully automatic machine gun on back working again. After that they gave him the name Grease Stain. They often times called him Stain for short though.

Up until that point they were just protecting him because the man who saved him held rank, after that though they asked for him to join. He explained he didn't share many of the ideals they held, but they said it didn't matter. As long as he cared and valued brotherhood, everything else would be fine. Jake agreed and at 14 he got a tattoo of a panther head on his right shoulder, & was officially inducted into the Renegades. He worked for just a little over a year on vehicles. He kept them polished and maintained until his new home was attacked. He didn't know what to do so he just hid in the trunk. A couple minutes later he heard his mother screaming. He grabbed the first gun he could see and charged in.

Once again he walked into a horrific sight where 3 men were trying to abuse his mother, luckily this time they didn't get that far. He shot every single one in the head with an M1911 Pistol, & with 5 round left in his click he went back into the garage and shot every last man without a panther he could see. Later upon inspecting the bodies he saw they were all skin heads. Racist, fascist, mentally ill skinheads he thought. He wanted revenge so badly he talked to his fellow brothers into a full on offensive. They mostly tended to stick to themselves, just getting a couple of bucks by “guarding” the local businesses from racist bigots like the ones that just attacked, but they agreed.

He took the wheel of the first vehicle he’d ever fixed for them; since he first fixed it they added bullet proof glass and some extra armor to it as well. He rolled out to what looked like a battle ground. No longer was it Detroit, his childhood home. It was Detroit, war zone and gangland. He was repulsed by the scent of dead bodies all over the place. He couldn't even drive a block without seeing another. After 20 minutes of riding through hell he finally reached it. He entered the home of the devil, where the KKK rides free. They didn't even wait a second before crashed through the front gate and releasing every round they could. They were smart though, while half where reloading the other half was shooting. They kept a steady stream of lead funneling into the home of their enemies.

After just a mere 2 hours of fighting, they whole enemy encampment was destroyed. They then made their way back home. Once they reached it though, they had realized it had been hit again. Jake raced inside to find not only his mother, but everyone left home, was dead on the floor. Jake burst into tears screaming for his mother, holding her dead body in his arms. He kissed her blood smeared forehead & told her that god would protect her now. Now nothing but rage and pain flowed through him.

He then led the people that once took him in, now sharing their Ideals. He grew their influence throughout not only Detroit, but through all of Michigan State. After just 5 years, he grew his gang into the rulers of the war zone, and declared it their home. By age 20 his gang was stuck in a turf war between his gang, and the state police themselves. They only thing his “nation” needed at that point was recognition that it existed. It never got that though, to be honest he never realized his dream. Jake died after just 3 years after his gang grew to be the largest gang in Detroit. In the year 1990 they then split between 4 major groups, each claiming their leader was the true one.

After 23 years of gruesome fighting for control of Detroit, the police and the state of Michigan as a whole declared it a war zone. In the year 2013 all police activity within the city ceased and was then concentrated around blockading everyone within the city to remain within its limits. Without police interference they gangs finally start a full on push for control, on who will own the lawless land of Detroit. Today the black panthers remain not only in Detroit, but all around the US, but their roots are now claiming the land in which they were founded. The only question to remain is in what form will they grow.


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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:14 pm

Informative Article
The real reason for the forty-hour workweek By: David Cain

Spoiler: show
This is a section of an article talking about a mans personal experience in how he found most of his time being spent on what average consumers do as his free time dwindled. He states this "The ultimate tool for corporations to sustain a culture of this sort is to develop the 40-hour workweek as the normal lifestyle. Under these working conditions people have to build a life in the evenings and on weekends. This arrangement makes us naturally more inclined to spend heavily on entertainment and conveniences because our free time is so scarce." & at the end leaves us with a question.

Spoiler: show
I've only been back at work for a few days, but already I’m noticing that the more wholesome activities are quickly dropping out of my life: walking, exercising, reading, meditating, and extra writing.

The one conspicuous similarity between these activities is that they cost little or no money, but they take time.

Suddenly I have a lot more money and a lot less time, which means I have a lot more in common with the typical working North American than I did a few months ago. While I was abroad I wouldn't have thought twice about spending the day wandering through a national park or reading my book on the beach for a few hours. Now that kind of stuff feels like it’s out of the question. Doing either one would take most of one of my precious weekend days!

The last thing I want to do when I get home from work is exercise. It’s also the last thing I want to do after dinner or before bed or as soon as I wake, and that’s really all the time I have on a weekday.

This seems like a problem with a simple answer: work less so I’d have more free time. I've already proven to myself that I can live a fulfilling lifestyle with less than I make right now. Unfortunately, this is close to impossible in my industry, and most others. You work 40-plus hours or you work zero. My clients and contractors are all firmly entrenched in the standard-workday culture, so it isn’t practical to ask them not to ask anything of me after 1pm, even if I could convince my employer not to.

The eight-hour workday developed during the industrial revolution in Britain in the 19th century, as a respite for factory workers who were being exploited with 14- or 16-hour workdays.

As technologies and methods advanced, workers in all industries became able to produce much more value in a shorter amount of time. You’d think this would lead to shorter workdays.

But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big business, not because of the amount of work people get done in eight hours (the average office worker gets less than three hours of actual work done in 8 hours) but because it makes for such a purchase-happy public. Keeping free time scarce means people pay a lot more for convenience, gratification, and any other relief they can buy. It keeps them watching television, and its commercials. It keeps them unambitious outside of work.

We’ve been led into a culture that has been engineered to leave us tired, hungry for indulgence, willing to pay a lot for convenience and entertainment, and most importantly, vaguely dissatisfied with our lives so that we continue wanting things we don’t have. We buy so much because it always seems like something is still missing.

Western economies, particularly that of the United States, have been built in a very calculated manner on gratification, addiction, and unnecessary spending. We spend to cheer ourselves up, to reward ourselves, to celebrate, to fix problems, to elevate our status, and to alleviate boredom.

Can you imagine what would happen if all of America stopped buying so much unnecessary fluff that doesn't add a lot of lasting value to our lives?

The economy would collapse and never recover.

All of America’s well-publicized problems, including obesity, depression, pollution and corruption are what it costs to create and sustain a trillion-dollar economy. For the economy to be “healthy”, America has to remain unhealthy. Healthy, happy people don’t feel like they need much they don’t already have, and that means they don’t buy a lot of junk, don’t need to be entertained as much, and they don’t end up watching a lot of commercials.

The culture of the eight-hour workday is big business’ most powerful tool for keeping people in this same dissatisfied state where the answer to every problem is to buy something.

You may have heard of Parkinson’s Law. It is often used in reference to time usage: the more time you’ve been given to do something, the more time it will take you to do it. It’s amazing how much you can get done in twenty minutes if twenty minutes is all you have. But if you have all afternoon, it would probably take way longer.

Most of us treat our money this way. The more we make, the more we spend. It’s not that we suddenly need to buy more just because we make more, only that we can, so we do. In fact, it’s quite difficult for us to avoid increasing our standard of living (or at least our rate of spending) every time we get a raise.

I don’t think it’s necessary to shun the whole ugly system and go live in the woods, pretending to be a deaf-mute, as Holden Caulfield often fantasized. But we could certainly do well to understand what big commerce really wants us to be. They’ve been working for decades to create millions of ideal consumers, and they have succeeded. Unless you’re a real anomaly, your lifestyle has already been designed.

The perfect customer is dissatisfied but hopeful, uninterested in serious personal development, highly habituated to the television, working full-time, earning a fair amount, indulging during their free time, and somehow just getting by.

Is this you?

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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:15 pm

The Void By: void_singer

Spoiler: show
This is an Epic about nothingness. An endless void in which you dwel. In it you are holding onto something. It as a journey.

Spoiler: show
And then I was alone.
It was a dark time in my life.
But somehow I kept busy.
But the loneliness...
Madness crept upon the outskirts of my mind.
But I had to keep busy.
Must work, must move.
Or fall into the blinding blackness of the insane.
I wish I had a dog.
But no...
They're gone, too.
And now it's only me.
I call upon nature...
But it has abandoned me as well.
Where is this place?
It is Earth.
This I know.
Yes, it's certainly Earth.
yet it isn't.
The very life Earth has stood for has left.
But why?
I can't remember...
All I see is blackness.
That is orange.
Yes, that's orange...
Of course...
But why is it orange?
Why does the sun never set?
Why is all I see an empty plain?
With cracks in the ground?
I wonder what lies beneath the cracks...
I think I know that.
And so I look around.
The heat of the sun made no waves upon the Earth’s surface.
And yet it was hot.
Almost unbearably so.
Well this is new.
But somehow I'm used to it.
Used to the unbearable pain of the heat stabbing through me.
But yet I'm used to it.
I take a step forward.
Nothing moves.
Did I move?
Did I even take a step?
I start running.
I run for what seems an eternity, not knowing if my feet were still on the scarred surface of the Earth.
I felt like every step I take was being halved.
I felt like I was leaping over great distances.
But I didn't move.
Nothing moved.
There was no possible way of knowing one crack from another.
I would look at one, and look at another...
Did I?
It's getting dark again...
But the sun still showed brightly in the sky.
I must keep running.
I run
I run
I run farther still
Am I running?
Perhaps I have fallen...
I cannot believe that.
I must keep running...
An eternity later I stop.
I look down.
In front of me is..
Lying there, on the ground.
What is this?
I felt dead.
But I wasn't.
I was lying there, on the ground in front of me...
And I felt relieved.
My eyes weren't closed.
I tried to close them.
I could not.
But I know I won’t die.
It's impossible...
Despite the relief and gratitude that my legs had given out, I run.
I run from my fallen body.
I run
I run
And then I stop.
Why am I running?
Was that not me lying there on the rock?
I wish to return, but I will not.
Even if I knew the way.
The gross heat still flowed through me.
I understand now...
I'm frozen.
Yes, that must be it.
I bring my hand up to my face.
It was then that I discovered I had a hand.
It was in a fist.
I realized I was holding something.
I opened my hand.
But no.
I couldn't find the will.
My hand seemed to be shaking.
It seemed to be shaking violently.
But it was still.
It would not let go to whatever it was clutching.
I couldn't look away.
I concentrated my entire being upon it.
But it would not move.
I wanted to release whatever was inside, so that perhaps I could find something that would provide answers.
I wanted it to release me from whatever this was..
Then I looked away.
And I fell.
And I fell
And I fell
And I fell
At first there was nothing.
There was only an eternal soundless blackness.
There were no winds.
But the more I fell, the more things started to change.
I could still see nothing.
But inside of myself I felt my mind and my soul and my being and my heart
When I felt it at first, nothing changed.
Then I saw a crack within the void.
What I saw from the crack destroyed me.
But I'm still falling.
and falling
and falling
And I came closer to the crack within the blackness.
I looked at my hand.
It seems to have loosened.
Panic absorbed my mind and my soul and my being and my heart.
My hand loosened further.
Now, more than anything, I wished for my hand to close once more.
There was still a whisper of life within me.
Or is that life?
It was still.
And yet I clung upon it with my entirety.
And then I stopped.
And listened.
How can one bear so much pain and still be?
How can such pain be wrought?
And I began to understand.
I looked up.
There, another eternity away, I saw something.
I saw the place from which I came.
I saw the dry, cracked, dead place from which I fell.
And it was beautiful.
I looked behind me.
I saw the place to which I was falling.
The crack of unbelievable emptiness.
And I wanted to enter it so badly.
Why do I wish to enter such a place?
I felt myself begin to drift in the void, refusing to release my grasp on whatever it was I was holding.
And I heard a noise.
It was my voice, singing out.
A haggard, tired thing.
But I began to rise.
And I rose.
And I rose
The more I rose, the faster I rose.
I rose quickly.
So, so quickly.
I should have perished.
But the cracks within me began to mend.
And my grasp held firm.
And what seemed like an eternity falling felt like mere moments as I entered the dead world once more.
But I didn't stop.
I kept rising
and rising
and rising
I rose more
And I wouldn't stop
I refuse to stop
I will not stop.
And then I approached the dead world again.
But it had changed.
I open my hand.

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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:15 pm

Reader Influenced
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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:15 pm

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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:16 pm

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Re: Drone's Short Stories XP :3

Postby Drone6o3 » Sat May 24, 2014 10:16 pm

A look at What's To Come!

RI When the world is hollowed
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This is a RI series (Reader Influenced) so I can't say for certain how anything will turn out, but I will tell you the setting will start us off in a planet that has been mined for decades and is becoming very unstable. There are ships you can use to escape, but they're costly, & you're just a simple miner. The goal is to make it off the planet before it collapses, & to attempt to take a possible love interest/pet/friend as well, depending on how things play out. This story may or may not become "inappropriate" depending on the choices of my/our readers. Lets hope we make it out alive When the world is hollowed.

Nuclear Destiny
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This series will consist of books 1-3 of my science fiction novels about the post apocalyptic collapse and the rebuilding of mankind. How by using the reminders of a now considered golden age, the more developed nations of the world decide abandoning there once great homes and traversing throughout the solar system as they feel it is a better option. That way the can avoid the conflict and war left to once again consume the planet.

Zombies were the Future
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This will be a 2 book series on how a zombie apocalypse first starts & develops over time, how it is handled by the world governments, & how to survive in such an event. Although the second novel will be base 100 years after the initial event. It will focus on how the zombies/mutants adapted over time, & how the world has grown to fight them.

Plasmatic Destiny
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This will be a continuation of the series Nuclear Destiny and will consist of 2 books. They will focus on the Chinese Developments much more in detail versus my first series, were I left their inner workings much more secretive.

Voidic Destiny
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This will be the last book in the Destiny series, & will focus on all nations in their pursuit further into the stars then ever before, through the use of... Well you'll just have to read it to find out.
Last edited by Drone6o3 on Sun May 25, 2014 3:22 am, edited 5 times in total.
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