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More starting points, quick-match, and re-assembling

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:59 pm
by Bluethorn
More starting points?
Basically meaning, you can manage how many starting points players can have in host game. This would lead to some exciting 1v1 matches, and good games with friends. But I can also tell this idea's flaws... Trolls can troll more people at once, or one player can start normally and use the others to troll, etc.

Quick match
"I don't give a f*** what I join, I just want to play a game."

All the players that haven't already left yet joins the game's lobby, useful for 1v1s and clan matches.

That's it folks

Re: More starting points, quick-match, and re-assembling

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:11 am
by Fangfallen
I like all three ideas.

I believe the first and second have not yet been suggested, however I do know that the third has been.