Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

Postby P4n4c3a » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:03 pm

1.) Removal of guest accounts.

I understand that this will be a controversial issue. Most likely this will be thrown out. Guest accounts are great in that no one has to register. All you have to do is click and play. This ensures that many people are able to play without the hassle of registering on Kongregate - which suspiciously does not allow you to delete your own account. In addition, for the developers, this allows exposure to the broadest available audience as possible without too much intrusion.

However, after what I have seen yesterday, guest accounts can be abused with great impunity. Even if kicked, some people still have not learned their lesson and hide behind the anonymity of a guest account. The mods are powerless to stop unless they request for an IP ban and they can cause some grief.

It's up to you Lopdo.

2.) Formation of a CoC (Code of Conduct)

A basic set of rules that should be outlined for the community should be created. Before signing up and playing, all members have to read this so called Code of Conduct. This makes sure that all players know the rules. In addition, mods will follow the same guidelines within, working both ways between the players and the moderators. A tab on the lower bottom would be nice.

3.) Larger oversight to moderators

Vortexwars2 is a niche game. What I mean is from what I have seen, it is much more independent of Kongregate then other games. Lopdo chooses his own available moderators in game and they are not Kongregate moderators. Instead they manage the game and forum solely. I prefer this option. However, only certain moderators are allowed to kick and only certain moderators are allowed to IP ban. This model works well, but given how few mods I have actually seen in game, the possibility of giving more powers to the moderators seems only logical. Again, moderators would follow the rules of the CoC also.

However, if there eventually becomes more moderators as the game grows, perhaps mod (kick) < super mod (IP Ban) < lopdo (any other issues) current model will be fine. If someone has any complaints with a mod, they report to a super mod. Any complaints of a super mod, they bring it up to lopdo. etc, etc, etc.

4.) Active community in game

Games such as TF2 for example have a very loyal community and fanbase. It is very easy to quickly flag and report someone. In order to reduce the presence of people who hurt the community in game, it is up EVERYONE else to make an effort to report them. Perhaps a hot button or tab to send a private message detailing a person to a mod should be created. Of course, screenshots should be required as evidence.

5.) Chat channels

Many people already know that there are several chat channels or lobbies. It would be nice to be able to select a lobby you prefer instead of being automatically placed in one until it fills with the maximum number of players. In addition, being able to create your own private or clan channel would be great. That would require a bit of coding on the other end, but I hope this idea gains enough support.


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Re: Feature Requests

Postby P4n4c3a » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:10 pm

Hm, it seems calleharnemark already thought of a hot button reporting to mods.

Replays sounds interesting.

However, saving a 30 min game match and then sending it seems a little illogical.

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Re: Feature Requests

Postby jwl1000 » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:27 pm

1.) there is a little button you can select when creating games "minimum level" i always choose "no guests". works fine. no need to delete them all in general.

2.) I seriously doubt that anyone would read that. at all.

3.) Lopdo already has a system of mods that works pretty well, the only problem that everyone seems to share is that there aren't enough of them. (old recommendation)

4.)I haven't really had any problems in game trying to report anyone. other people have, but i haven't happened to run into any problems, i think our community is great the way it is. we even have a report users section

5.) I don't really understand the bit about "It would be nice to be able to select a lobby you prefer instead of being automatically placed in one until it fills with the maximum number of players." please clarify. I don't think that we need lopdo to put in all the extra effort of making games private or clan-only; we can simply kick anyone we don't want in our game. we hardly need all that extra work to be done just to save a few minutes time.
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Re: Feature Requests

Postby aboad2 » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:29 pm

that true jwl

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Re: Feature Requests

Postby P4n4c3a » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:34 pm

1.) What happens when the guests create the games?

2.) It doesn't matter if they read it or not. By having the rules, they are bound by the because they read them. In addition mods follow those rules.

5.) It seems you haven't noticed. Try joining the chat and look at the player in the top. Keep joining and you will see that it changes.

In reality there are multiple lobbies. The private and clan channels are extra and I know they would require a lot of code. I would at least like the pub lobbies be available to choose from.

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Re: Feature Requests

Postby necrocat219 » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:36 pm

Unfortunately the game is on it's way out, I don't think Lopdo would focus on making chat channels, although the rest of the ideas seem feasible.
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Re: Feature Requests

Postby calleharnemark » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:42 pm

P4n4c3a wrote:Hm, it seems calleharnemark already thought of a hot button reporting to mods.

Replays sounds interesting.

However, saving a 30 min game match and then sending it seems a little illogical.

He knows that already, and this has not too much to do with this. Anyway, I think this seems good.
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Re: Feature Requests

Postby mattie » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:42 pm

maybe we should not let guest make game's so that can't say stuff like fuck you karen or highlander likes men
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Re: Feature Requests

Postby P4n4c3a » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:07 pm

Or chess is a faggot?

That sounds like a better idea instead of totally removing them, mattie.


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Re: Feature Requests

Postby Ratburntro44 » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:53 pm

necrocat219 wrote:Unfortunately the game is on it's way out, I don't think Lopdo would focus on making chat channels, although the rest of the ideas seem feasible.

The thing about games of this size is that there is a perfectly reasonable chance of it being in a stage of growth again 2 weeks from now.

I think the main thing that needs to be done with moderators is giving them the ability to ban someone without actually having to find them in-game.
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