Would like to play any of all those popular forum games? This is place for you then


Postby Vortex_Master » Thu May 16, 2013 11:57 pm

I am done. I give up. Chess is taking over.

The Vortex Wars Role Playing Game Ver. 2.5.1
(ADVANCED CLASSES, MORE STUFF IN THE MARKET, Traveling traders are in town!)
1.) Make a post to join/start game. All players MUST choose a class and a race. (Can't change class 1 week after choosing. An advanced class may be purchased any time after Lv.5 is reached.)
2.) All players start at Lv.0 with 100 shards. (Check Levels for HP and SP)
- When you reach 0HP you die.
- When you die you go back to Lv.0, and must start over.
3.) Players get ONE attack or spell per day. (Unless specified otherwise.)
- Check "ATTACKS & SPELLS" for types of attacks/spells. (Please specify which you use.)
4.) Players may buy things at the Market.
- Market products must be bought with shards.
- Market products are untransferable from player to player. No selling, giving away, trading, with other players. (Unless otherwise specified.)
- Equipment only adds bonuses if equipped properly. (Only your primary weapon (The one you are using) gives bonuses, please state which weapon you are using.)
5.) All players have a backpack that can carry up to 5 items. (Can be upgraded at market.)
- Players can use up to 5 "items" in one day as they want.
- Items are stackable in your backpack.
6.) Administrator and Moderators of this RPG have the right to issue a warning or ban a player IF:
- He constantly swears.
- He constantly insults others and/or their items/belongings.
- He constantly spams unnecessarily. (Admin and mods decide how much is too much.)
7.) Bans are permanent, NO 2nd CHANCES!
8.) Xp is given for amount of dmg given; 20x players level if killed by YOU. (Nulls don't subtract from amount gained.)
9.) Shards are given for amount of dmg given; 20x player's level if killed; 10x your new level when you level up. (Nulls don't subtract from amount gained. Premium does not add to level up shards.)
- HP and SP is restored by the difference after leveling up. (Ex. 1/20 → 11/30)
10.) Players may attack other Players,"Tutor" (Dummy), or "Enemies" for Shards/Xp.
- Players may only attack one enemy at a time, per turn. (No killing an enemy, then using an item on another. You may only use items on enemies you have attacked or are going to attack on your turn. You may also use items on yourself or other players.)
11.) Xp overflow is added on to your next Xp Bar.
12.) Players may form alliances, beware.
13.) A Player may not attack a Lv.0 player or a player 10 or more lower than themselves. Lv.0's may only atack Tutor or "Enemies."
14.) Any product that is not an item is either put into a storage area for you to use or is directly equipped to you. (Ex. Any race you buy, you may switch to at any time.)
15.) Players gain 5HP and 5SP for every turn rested. (No attacks for a day.)
16.) Premium lasts however many attacks are in the specified time. (Ex. 1 week= 7 attacks; If you do not attack one day it is NOT subtracted from your days left) (Premium is found under "Upgrades.")
17.) Players may sell unequiped items for 1/2 price to the market, unless otherwise specified.
18.) Weapon & Armour Upgrades add dmg/null to your weapon/armour FOREVER, but once you start using a new one it isn't carried over to that weapon/armour.
19.) Players may have up to 1 of each of the following: Tombs; Pets.
- Pets can level up. When they level up they get better attack values. (Pets only gain xp from total dmg dealt, premium applies.)
20.) Dual wielding is possible for Rogues, Buccaneers, and Witchers; Berserkers may dual wield above Lv.4.
21.) All characters may use spells except for Rogues, Nobles, Berserkers, Buccaneers, and Brutes.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _

TOURNAMENTS: (Using Potions count as a turn unless otherwise specified.) [ASK ME WAHT THESE ARE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!]
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PvP where 2 players take turns attacking each other until one dies. No spells. Win: Dmg done; + 20x Opponents lvl. Lose: +dmg done; -100{s}
Magic Duel:
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PvP where 2 players take turns attacking each other until one dies. Spells allowed. Win: Dmg done; + 20x Opponents lvl. Lose: +dmg done; -100{s}
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PvP where 2 players get 3 alternating turns to attack each other. The one with the least HP loses. Win: +200xp/{s} (+50 for every lvl higher.) Lose: +50xp; -100{s}
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ALL players (signed up) randomly alternate attacking each other during a 10 hour time-frame, last one standing, or the one with most HP left, wins. Win: 100xp/{s} x # of opponents. 2nd: +100xp; -10{s} 3rd: +50xp; -25{s} 4th: +20sp; -50{s}
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _

LEVELS: Xp needed = What I think seems fair.
HP = Hit Points SP = Special Points (Used in certain attacks)
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Lv.0 - 0xp ... HP: 20; SP: 0 (Noob)
Lv.1 - 25xp ... HP: 30; SP: 0 (Novice)
Lv.2 - 75xp ... HP: 40; SP: 10 (Novice)
Lv.3 - 150xp ... HP: 50; SP: 15 (Novice)
Lv.4 - 200xp ... HP: 70; SP: 20 (Amateur)
Lv.5 - 400xp ... HP: 90; SP: 25 (Amateur)
Lv.6 - 600xp ... HP: 120; SP: 30 (Rookie)
Lv.7 - 800xp ... HP: 150; SP: 35 (Semi-Pro)
Lv.8 - 1200xp ... HP: 200; SP: 40 (Semi-Pro)
Lv.9 - 1500xp ... HP: 230; SP: 45 (Semi-Pro)
Lv.10 - 2500xp ... HP: 250; SP: 50 (Professional)
Lv.11 - 3500xp ... HP: 275; SP: 55 (Professional)
Lv.12 - 5500xp ... HP: 300; SP: 60 (Professional)
Lv.13 - 7500xp ... HP: 320; SP: 65 (Professional)
Lv.14 - 10000xp ... HP: 340; SP: 70 (Professional)
Lv.15 - 15000xp ... HP: 360; SP: 75 (Master)
Lv.16 - 25000xp ... HP: 380; SP: 80 (Master)
Lv.17 - 40000xp ... HP: 400; SP: 85 (Master)
Lv.18 - 60000xp ... HP: 425; SP: 90 (Master)
Lv.19 - 90000xp ... HP: 450; SP: 95 (Master)
Lv.20 - 100000xp ... HP: 475; SP: 100 (Lord)
Lv.21 - 125000xp ... HP: 500; SP: 105 (Lord)
Lv.22 - 175000xp ... HP: 550; SP: 110 (Lord)
Lv.23 - 200000xp ... HP: 600; SP: 115 (Lord)
Lv.24 - 250000xp ... HP: 650; SP: 120 (Lord)
Lv.25 - 350000xp ... HP: 700; SP: 125 (Overlord)
Lv.26 - 400000xp ... HP: 750; SP: 130 (Overlord)
Lv.27 - 500000xp ... HP: 800; SP: 140 (Legend)
Lv.28 - 750000xp + Beat Grand Boss... HP: 850; SP: 150 (Myth)
Lv.29 - 1000000xp + Beat Epic Boss... HP: 900; SP: 150 (Demi-God)
Lv.30 - 1500000xp + Beat Final Boss... HP: 1000; SP: 150 (God)
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CLASSES: (Give bonuses and limitations.) (Once one is chosen you can't switch unless killed.) [You have 1 week after choosing to switch]
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Berserker: Aggressive, strong brute. (+3 dmg (Melee)) Can use all weapons except projectile shooters. May hold two weapons if Lv.5 or greater (not heavy). Can use any armour except shields. Can't use magic. Gets new attacks.
Cleric: Offensive, medical warrior. (+1 dmg (Melee + Magic); +1 Minor Heal Elixir; +2SP total) Can use all weapons except swords and projectile shooters. Can use any armour except mail/plate+mail. Gets new spells and attacks.
Guardian: Defensive, honourable knight. +1 dmg (Melee + Magic); +1 null; +2SP total) (Can use all weapons. Can use any armour. Can't steal. Gets new attacks.
Jester: Jack of All Trades. (+2 dmg (Melee + Magic + Projectile)) Can use all weapons except heavy ones and two-handed ones. Can use any armour. Gets new attacks and spells.
Mage: Magical, intelligent wizard. (+8SP total; +3 dmg when casting spells) Can use all 1-handed weapons. Can only use woven armours. (No shields) Gets new spells.
Monk: Peaceful, intelligent disciple. (+2 dmg (Melee + Magic); +5HP) Can use any weapon except swords, heavy weapons, and projectile shooters. Can use any armour except metal. Gets new attacks and new spells.
Noble: Rich, respected nobleman. (+200{s}, +1 dmg (Melee)) Can use all weapons. Can use any armour. Can't use magic. Gets new attacks.
Ranger: Ranged, thoughtful huntsman. (+1 dmg (Melee); +3 dmg (Projectile)) Can use all weapons except heavy ones. Can use any armour except shields and metal. Gets new attacks.
Rogue: Elusive, sly thief. (+1 dmg (Melee); +1 attack boost) Can use all 1-handed weapons except heavy ones. May dual-wield. Can use any armour except shields and metal. Cannot cast spells. Gets new attacks.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _
ADVANCED CLASSES: (Must be Lv. 5.) (Costs 250{s}) (May not switch unless killed.) (You have 2 days after choosing to get a refund and switch. You may only switch once.)
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Brute: Wild, muscular brute. (+8 dmg (Melee); +5HP; +5 more dmg when using a two-handed weapon.) Can use all weapons. May use any armour. Cannot use shields. Gets new attacks. Cannot cast spells.
Buccaneer: Greedy, elusive pirate. (+3 dmg (Melee); +4 more when dual-wielding.) Can use one-handed weapons, except heavy ones. May dual-wield. May use any armour except metal. Cannot cast spells.
Merchant: Cunning, smart trader. (+1 dmg (Melee + Magic); +100{s}; Markets buy back at full price.) Can use all one-handed weapons. May use all armours. Gets new attacks.
Necromancer: Intelligent, mystic evil wizard. (+8 dmg (Magic); +10SP Total) Can use all 1-handed weapons. May dual-wield if one weapon is a staff. (ex. Staff/Staff, Staff/Sword) Can only use woven armours. (No shields) Gets new spells.
Paladin: Chivalrous, holy knight. (+4 dmg (Melee + Magic); +2 null (Melee + Magic); +3 more null when using a shield.) Can use all weapons. Can use all armour. Cannot Steal. Gets new attacks.
Strider: Silent, accurate archer. (+1 dmg (Melee + Magic) +10 dmg (Projectile)) Can use any armour other than metal. (May use shields) Can use all weapons. Gets new attacks.
Witcher: Strong, dexterous fighter. (+2 dmg (Melee + Magic);+5SP Total) Can us all one-handed weapons. May dual-wield. May use any armour except metal. Gets new attacks.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _
ATTACKS & SPELLS: (Products that say "dmg" add that much dmg to attacks/spells products that say "null" deflect that much dmg.)
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Attack: 2 dmg. (BASE dmg; Other attacks are added to this attack. Ex: http://vortexwars.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2215&start=20#p24609)
Combo Attack: +4 dmg. (Lv.2) [Uses 3SP]
Power Attack: +8 dmg. (Lv.4) [Uses 5SP]
Super Attack: +15 dmg. (Lv.8) [Uses 15SP]
Smash: +4 dmg. (Apprentice Attack Scroll REQUIRED)
Cut: +5 dmg. (Must have hacking/slashing weapon.) (Apprentice Attack Scroll REQUIRED)
Stab: +4 dmg & attacked player/monster gets 3 dmg done to them his next attack. (Must have thrusting weapon.) (Attack Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 2SP]
Slash: +7 dmg. (Must have hacking weapon.) (Attack Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 3SP]
Pound: +6 dmg. (Attack Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 3SP]
Strike: +10 dmg. (Master Attack Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 5SP]
Counter: Deals 3 dmg to an attacker after you are attacked. (Master Attack Scroll REQUIRED) [Passive; Uses 3SP]
Double Attack: S+8 dmg & end product (after adding all bonus dmg) is doubled. (Master Attack Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 15SP]
Coup De Grace: +25 dmg & whole attack times 2. (Dragons REQUIRED) [Uses 25SP]
Brutality: +10 dmg. (Lv.3 Berserker) [Uses 3SP]
Rupture: +30 dmg. (Lv.8 Berserker) [Uses 10SP]
Strong Bash: +8 dmg & multiples the end product by 2. (Lv.8 Cleric) [Uses 10SP]
Divine Strike: +8 dmg and attacker gains +2HP (Lv.3 Guardian) [Uses 3SP]
Awesome Blow: +20 dmg and attacker gains +15HP (Lv.8 Guardian) [Uses 10SP]
Focus Shot: +8 dmg to a projectile attack. (Lv.3 Ranger) [Uses 2SP] (DOES count as an attack.)
Advanced Focus Shot: +20 dmg to a projectile attack. (Lv.8 Ranger) [Uses 8SP] (DOES count as an attack.)
Internal Damage: +2 dmg to every attack. (Lv.3 Rogue) [Passive; Uses 1SP] (Goes until you run out of SP or specify that you don't want it used that turn or using another special attack.)
Injure: +33 dmg. (Lv.8 Rogue) [Uses 11SP]
Hysterical Slap: +10 dmg. (Lv.3 Jester) [Uses 3SP]
Graceful Slice: +12 dmg. (Lv.3 Noble) [Uses 3SP]
Ultimate Fate: +30 dmg. (Lv.8 Noble) [Uses 10SP]
Terrible Hack: +40 dmg. (Lv.8 Brute) [Uses 15SP]
Wild Flail: +60 dmg. (Lv.12 Brute) [Uses 27SP]
Graceful Slice: +30 dmg. (Lv.8 Buccaneer) [Uses 12SP]
Ultimate Fate: +50 dmg. (Lv.12 Buccaneer) [Uses 25SP]
Greedy Smash: +25 dmg. + 50{s} (Lv.8 Merchant) [Uses 15SP] (Premium doubles amount)
Pricey Thwack: +40 dmg. +100{s} (Lv.12 Merchant) [Uses 25SP] (Premium doubles amount)
Holy Smash: +20 dmg. +10HP (Lv.8 Paladin) [Uses 10SP]
Faithful Kill: +40 dmg. +20HP (Lv.12 Paladin) [Uses 20SP]
Fierce Hack: +35 dmg. (Lv.8 Witcher) [Uses 20SP]
Ferocious Assault: +70 dmg. (Lv.12 Witcher) [Uses 30SP]
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Magic Blast: 2 dmg. (Lv.0) [Uses 0SP]
Magic Bomb: 4 dmg. (Lv.1) [Uses 3SP]
Lightning Bolt: 8 dmg. (Lv.2) [Uses 5SP]
Fire Ball: 8 dmg; 15 dmg on water monsters. (Lv.3) [Uses 6SP]
Illuminate: 10 dmg. +12 against Unholy monsters. (Lv.4) [Uses 8SP]
Magic Sword: 15 dmg. (Lv.5) [Uses 10SP]
Freeze: A player of your choice can't attack for 1 day. (Lv.5) [Uses 10SP]
Doppelganger: Allows you to attack a player/monster twice (Not including this spell). (Lv.10) [Uses 25SP]
Sonic Blast: 4 dmg. (Apprentice Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 1SP]
Poison: 2 dmg & attacked player/monster gets 3 dmg done to them his next attack. (Apprentice Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 2SP]
Heal: Heal any player for 5HP. (Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 2SP]
Mystic Power: 10 dmg. (Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 5SP]
Blind: 5 dmg & attacked player/monster cannot attack that round. (Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 3SP]
Water Ball: 8 dmg; 15 dmg on fire monsters. (Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 5SP]
"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" : 20 dmg. (Master Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 12SP]
Deflect: 5 null on your next attack. (Master Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Passive; Uses 3SP]
Magical "Melee": 8 dmg & end product (after adding all bonus dmg) is doubled. (Master Spell Scroll REQUIRED) [Uses 20SP] (Still a Magic move, not really a Melee.)
Magical Heal: 15HP to a player of your choice. (Lv.3 Cleric) [Uses 5SP]
Stone Skin: 15 null for 2 turns. (Lv.3 Mage) [Uses 5SP] (1 turn= 1 attack against you.)
Plague: 40 dmg & 3 dmg to self (Ignoring null). (Lv.8 Mage) [Uses 18SP]
Disappear: Same as regular attack, but you receive no dmg from an attacker that round. (Lv.8 Jester) [Uses 30SP]
Summon Dead: +30 dmg. (Lv.8 Necromancer) [Uses 12SP]
Unleash Hell: +50 dmg. (Lv.12 Necromancer) [Uses 25SP]
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Here is one (Perfect) example of how to attack: (Courtesy of chris.)

I *atk* the *enemy* for # dmg (2(base)+#(weapons)+#(race)+#(class)+#(atk/spell type)+#(item)+#(pet)+#(other)-#(armor's null)) (Base is only added if it is not a spell.)
+# shards/exp (+# exp for pet, *did your pet lvl up?*)
I leveled up! (delete if you didn't lvl)
*enemy* attacks for #dmg
My new hp : #1/#2
My new sp: #1/#2
exp. to level # : #1/#2
Pet's exp to level #: #1/#2exp
Shards: previous->now
Premium : # days (delete if unneeded.)
*item lasts for*: # turns

*example text* = Specify
Last edited by Vortex_Master on Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:40 pm, edited 54 times in total.
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Re: Vortex Wars RPG 2

Postby Vortex_Master » Thu May 16, 2013 11:58 pm

MARKET: {s} = Shards
Spoiler: show
[Lv.0] 0{s} - Stick (+1 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.0] 10{s} - Club (+2 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.0] 5{s} - Wand (+1 dmg (Melee); +3 dmg (Magic)) (1-handed)
[Lv.1] 20{s} - Poniard (2.5 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.2] 25{s} - Knife (+3 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.2] 15{s} - Staff (+2 dmg (Melee); +5 dmg (Magic)) (1-handed)
[Lv.3] 40{s} - Short Sword (+5 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.3] 30{s} - Long Bow (Need arrows to use.) (Projectile Shooter/2-handed)
[Lv.4] 60{s} - Pike (+8 dmg) (2-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.4] 40{s} - Quarterstaff (+3 dmg Melee); +8 dmg (Magic); +5SP Total) (1-handed)
[Lv.5] 75{s} - Battle Axe (+12 dmg) (2-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.5] 80{s} - Broad Sword (+8 dmg) (1-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.5] 75{s} - Crossbow (+3 dmg (Projectile); Arrows needed.) (Projectile Shooter/2-handed)
[Lv.5] 75{s} - Diamond-tipped Staff (+5 dmg (Melee); +12 dmg (Magic); +10SP Total) (1-handed)
[Lv.6] 100{s} - Katana (+15 dmg) (2-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.6] 90{s} - Dirk (+10 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 120{s} - Halberd (+18 dmg) (2-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 130{s} - Flail (+13 dmg) (1-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 75{s} - Lian Nu (Chinese Multi-shot Crossbow) (Projectile Shooter/+7 dmg (Projectile); Arrows needed.) (2-handed)
[Lv.8] 150{s} - Claymore Sword (+22 dmg) (2-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 175{s} - Mace (+16 dmg) (1-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 175{s} - Machete (+15 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 150{s} - Diamond-tipped Quarterstaff (+10 dmg (Melee), +20 dmg (Magic); +20SP Total) (1-handed)
[Lv.9] 220{s} - War Scythe (+25 dmg) (2-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.9] 220{s} - Falchion (+18 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.9] 230{s} - Morning Star (+20 dmg) (1-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.9] 240{s} - War Hammer (+30 dmg) (2-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
[Lv.10] 255{s} - Rapier (+21 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.10] 270{s} - Glaive (+35 dmg) (2-handed) (Melee)
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[Lv.1] 15{s} - Cotton Robe (+1 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.2] 25{s} - Silk Robe (+2 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.2] 15{s} - Buckler (+1 null) [Shields are cumulative with other armours.] (Wrist) (Melee)
[Lv.3] 40{s} - Woolen Robe (+4 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.3] 50{s} - Wooden Armour (+5 null) (Wood) (Melee)
[Lv.3] 25{s} - Wooden Shield (+2 null) [Shields are cumulative with other armours.] (Wrist) (Melee)
[Lv.4] 55{s} - Soft Leather Armour (+6 null) (Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.4] 70{s} - Chain Mail (+7 null) (Mail/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.5] 80{s} - Padded Armour (+8 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.5] 50{s} - Leather Covered Shield (+4 null) [Shields are cumulative with other armours.] (Wrist) (Melee)
[Lv.6] 85{s} - Hard Leather Armour (+10 null) (Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.6] 90{s} - Brigandine Armour (+11 null) (Mail/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 100{s} - Linen Cloak (+12 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.7] 115{s} - Scale Armour (+13 null) (Layered Plate/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 100{s} - Iron Shield (+7 null) [Shields are cumulative with other armours.] (Wrist) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 135{s} - Studded Leather Armour (+15 null) (Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 140{s} - Plated Mail Armour (+15 null) (Mail + Plate/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.9] 200{s} - Flax Jacket (+18 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.9] 200{s} - Light Plate Armour (+18 null) (Plate/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.10] 225{s} - Crocodile Hide Armour (+20 null) (Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.10] 240{s} - Full Copper Plate Armour (+21 null; -1 storage) (Plate/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.10] 250{s} - Wizard's Cloak (+22 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.11] 270{s} - Dragon Scale Armour (+23 null) (Leather) Melee + Magic)
[Lv.11] 280{s} - Full Iron Plate Armour (+25 null; -1 storage) (Plate/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.11] 150{s} - Steel Shield (+10 null) [Shields are cumulative with other armours.] (Wrist) (Melee)
[Lv.12] 280{s} - Super Thick Padded Armour (+25 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.12] 300{s} - Full Steel Plate Armour (+28 null; -1 storage) (Plate/Metal) (Melee)
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[Lv.0] 5{s} - Cotton Head Band (+2HP) (Head, Woven)
[Lv.1] 10{s} - Cotton Bracelet (+1 null) (Wrist, Woven) (Melee +Magic)
[Lv.2] 25{s} - Woolen Belt (+2 null) (Waist, Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.3] 40{s} - Leather Head Band (+5HP; +2 null) (Head, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.3] 45{s} - Woolen Bracelet (+4 null) (Wrist, Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.3] 45{s} - Wooden Band (Ring) (+4 dmg) (Finger, Wood) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.3] 60{s} - Iron Head Band (+10HP; +2 null) (Head, Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.4] 65{s} - Leather Belt (+5 null) (Waist, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.4] 75{s} - Leather Bracer (+6 null) (Wrist, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.4] 80{s} - Steel Head Band (+15HP; +4 null) (Head, Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.5] 95{s} - Iron Bracer (+8 null) (Wrist, Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.5] 100{s} - Leather Cap (+5HP; +7 null) (Head, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.6] 115{s} - Studded Leather Bracer (+10 null) (Wrist, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.6] 90{s} - Leather Covered Wooden Band (Ring) (+8 dmg) (Finger, Wood/Leather) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.6] 120{s} - Studded Leather Cap (+5HP; +9 null) (Head, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.6] 100{s} - Studded Leather Belt (+8 null) (Waist, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 135{s} - Platinum Bracer (+12 null) (Wrist, Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 130{s} - Chain Coif (+11 null) (Head, Mail/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 130{s} - Chain Belt (+10 null) (Waist, Mail/Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.7] 100{s} - Platinum Band (Ring) (+5SP; +5 dmg; +2 null) (Finger, Metal) (Melee +Magic)
[Lv.8] 145{s} - Steel Helmet (+14 null) (Head, Metal) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 145{s} - Studded Leather C/ Wooden Band (Ring) (+14 dmg) (Finger, Wood/Leather) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.8] 145{s} - Steel Band (+10 dmg; +4 null) (Finger, Metal) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.8] 145{s} - Crocodile Hide Cap (+10HP; +12 null) (Head, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.9] 170{s} - Musketeer Hat (+14 null) (Head, Woven) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.9] 170{s} - Crocodile Hide Belt (+12 null) (Waist, Leather) (Melee)
[Lv.9] 140{s} - Special Ring (+10SP; +5 dmg; +2 null) (Finger, Specialness) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.10] 200{s} - Hard Hat (+20 null) (Head, Plastic) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.10] 200{s} - Wrist Watch (+20 dmg) (Wrist, Leather) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.10] 175{s} - Health Ring (+20HP; +8 dmg; +5 null) (Finger, Healthiness) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.15] 1000{s} - Everything Ring (+50HP; +20SP; +20 dmg; +20 null) (Finger, Dark Matter) (Melee + Magic)
Tombs: (Tombs last for 10 turns.)
Spoiler: show
[Lv.2] 50{s} - Lesser Tomb of Protection (+5 null) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.5] 100{s} - Tomb of Protection (+10 null) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.8] 150{s} - Greater Tomb of Protection (+20 null) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.10] 200{s} - Excellent Tomb of Protection (+30 null) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.12] 250{s} - Flawless Tomb of Protection (+50 null) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.2] 50{s} - Lesser Tomb of Life (+10HP total)
[Lv.5] 100{s} - Tomb of Life (+25HP total)
[Lv.8] 150{s} - Greater Tomb of Life (+50HP total)
[Lv.10] 200{s} - Excellent Tomb of Life (+70HP total)
[Lv.12] 250{s} - Flawless Tomb of Life (+100HP total)
[Lv.2] 50{s} - Lesser Tomb of Awesomeness (+10SP total)
[Lv.5] 100{s} - Tomb of Awesomeness (+20SP total)
[Lv.8] 150{s} - Greater Tomb of Awesomeness (+30SP total)
[Lv.10] 200{s} - Excellent Tomb of Awesomeness (+40SP total)
[Lv.12] 250{s} - Flawless Tomb of Awesomeness (+50SP total)
[Lv.2] 50{s} - Lesser Tomb of Destruction (+5 dmg) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.5] 100{s} - Tomb of Destruction (+10 dmg) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.8] 150{s} - Greater Tomb of Destruction (+20 dmg) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.10] 200{s} - Excellent Tomb of Destruction (+30 dmg) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.12] 250{s} - Flawless Tomb of Destruction (+50 dmg) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.2] 50{s} - Lesser Tomb of Everything (+2 dmg; +2 null; +3HP; +3SP) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.5] 100{s} - Tomb of Everything (+5 dmg; +5 null; +8HP; +8SP) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.8] 150{s} - Greater Tomb of Everything(+10 dmg; +10 null; +15HP; +15SP) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.10] 200{s} - Excellent Tomb of Everything (+20 dmg; +20 null; +30HP; +30SP) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
[Lv.12] 250{s} - Flawless Tomb of Everything (+30 dmg; +30 null; +40HP; +40SP) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
Spoiler: show
[Lv.2] 40{s} EACH - Attack Boost (+6 dmg) [3-pack = 100{s}]
[Lv.5] 80{s} EACH - Super Attack Boost (+12 dmg) [3-pack = 225{s}]
[Lv.2] 40{s} EACH - Defence Boost (+6 null (lasts for 2 attacks on you)) [3-pack = 100{s}]
[Lv.5] 80{s} EACH - Super Defence Boost (+12 null (lasts for 3 attacks on you)) [3-pack = 225{s}]

[Lv.2] Costs Amount Gained EACH - Lesser Heal Elixir (+20% HP)
[Lv.4] Costs Amount Gained EACH - Heal Elixir (+50% HP)
[Lv.6] Costs Amount Gained EACH - Greater Heal Elixir (+100% HP)
[Lv.2] Costs Amount Gained EACH - Lesser Special Elixir (+20% SP)
[Lv.3] Costs Amount Gained EACH - Special Elixir (+50% SP)
[Lv.5] Costs Amount Gained EACH - Greater Special Elixir (+100% SP)

[Lv.0] 5{s} EACH - Apple (+3HP)
[Lv.0] 10{s} EACH - Milk (+5SP)
[Lv.1] 10{s} EACH - Bread (+10HP)
[Lv.3] 25{s} EACH - Fish (+30HP)
[Lv.5] 50{s} EACH - Stew (+60HP)
[Lv.8] 75{s} EACH - Meat (+80HP)

[Lv.2] 30{s} EACH - Shuriken (Deals 4 dmg) [Uses 2SP] (Ignores null (Melee + Magic))
[Lv.2] 20{s} EACH - Crucifix (Deals 4 dmg to Undead or Unholy monsters.) [Uses 1SP] (Ignores ALL null)
[Lv.2] 20{s} EACH - Molotov Cocktail (Deals 4 dmg to Magical or Evil monsters.) [Uses 1SP] (Ignores ALL null)
[Lv.2] 20{s} EACH - Bomb (Deals 4 dmg to Giant or Tiny monsters.) [Uses 1SP] (Ignores ALL null)
[Lv.3] 10{s} EACH - Arrows (Deals 5 dmg) [Uses 1SP] (Ignores null (Melee + Magic))
[Lv.4] 55{s} EACH - Throwing Dagger (Deals 7 dmg) [Uses 5SP] (Ignores null (Melee + Magic))
[Lv.6] 75{s} EACH - Javelin (Deals 10 dmg) [Uses 8SP] (Ignores null (Melee + Magic))

[Lv.1] 35{s} - Apprentice Attack Scroll (+ 2 new attacks)
[Lv.4] 60{s} - Attack Scroll (+3 new attack)
[Lv.7] 100{s} - Master Attack Scroll (+3 new attacks)
[Lv.1] 25{s} - Apprentice Spell Scroll (+ 2 new spells)
[Lv.3] 50{s} - Spell Scroll (+4 new spells)
[Lv.5] 80{s} - Master Spell Scroll (+3 new spells)

[Lv.0] 40 (20 + 20){s} - Lesser Talisman of Transferal (Allows you to give one piece of equipment or item to an ally worth up to 50{s}.) [Both parties must pay half the cost.]
[Lv.2] 80 (40 + 40){s} - Talisman of Transferal (Allows you to give multiple pieces of equipment or items to an ally worth up to 100{s} in total value.) [Both parties must pay half the cost. Only one must be of level.]
[Lv.4] 150 (75 + 75){s} - Greater Talisman of Transferal (Allows you to give any one piece of equipment or item to an ally.) [Both parties must pay half the cost. Only one must be of level.]
[Lv.6] 80% (40% + 40%){s} - Flawless Talisman of Transferal (Allows you to give multiple pieces of equipment or items of any value to an ally for 80% the value they are worth.) [Both parties must pay half the cost. Only one must be of level.]

[Lv.3] 75{s} EACH - Lesser Thievery Scroll (Allows you to steal an item of equal or lesser value than the scroll from a player. Once used, dissapears.) (Can't be higher level than you, only get one a week.)
[Lv.5] 150{s} EACH - Greater Thievery Scroll (Allows you to steal any item from a player. Once used, dissapears.) (Can't be higher level than you, only get one a week.)

[Lv.3] 75{s} EACH - Mutliplier Scroll #1 (Allows you to attack 2 players or monsters, or attack one twice.) (Once used, dissapears.)
[Lv.6] 150{s} EACH - Mutliplier Scroll #2 (Allows you to attack 3 players or monsters, or attack one thrice.) (Once used, dissapears.)
[Lv.9] 250{s} EACH - Mutliplier Scroll #3 (Allows you to attack 4 players or monsters, or attack one four times.) (Once used, dissapears.)
Spoiler: show
[Lv. 2/5/9] 50/250/500 {s} Weapon Enhancement-Impact (Adds 3/7/15 to base damage.)
[Lv. 3/6/10] 100/200/500 {s} Weapon Enhancement-Vampirism (Heals 2/6/12 HP per successful attack.)
[Lv. 4/7/11] 125/275/600 {s} Weapon Enhancement-Armor Break (For the next 24 hours, the target's null is reduced by 3/7/15, to a minimum of 0. Does not stack with itself. Null reduction starts when you attack, including during your first attack.)
[Lv. 5/9/14] 150/350/650 {s} Weapon Enhancement-Explosive (When using this weapon choose 3 secondary targets. These targets each take 3/7/15 damage. Null is only 50% effective vs. this splash damage.)

[Lv. 2/5/9] 50/250/500 {s} Armour Enhancement-Fortify (Adds 3/7/15 to base null)
[Lv. 2/5/9] 75/200/400 {s} Armour Enhancement-Rebound (Players that attack you take 3/6/10 damage, ignoring null)
[Lv. 3/6/10] 50/100/250 {s} Armour Enhancement-Leigon (Designate up to 5 other players. Increase their null by 1/2/4. This effect cannot stack more than 3 times on any given player.)
[Lv. 5] 250 {s} Armour Enhancement-Brilliant (If an attack would ignore your null, you may instead apply half of it to the attack. If an attack would ignore half your null, you may instead apply 75% of it, rounded down.)

[Lv.1] 100{s} - Premium 1 week [7 attacks] (+2x shards and xp)
[Lv.3] 400{s} - Premium 1 month [30 attacks] (+2x shards and xp)
[Lv.7] 1000{s} - Premium 3 months [90 attacks] (+2x shards and xp)
[Lv.12] 5000{s} - Premium Lifetime [∞ attacks] (+2x shards and xp)

[Lv.3] 150{s} - Backpack Storage #1 (+5 storage)
[Lv.5] 250{s} - Backpack Storage #2 (+5 storage)
[Lv.8] 400{s} - Backpack Storage #3 (+2 storage; Immunity to stealing.)

[Lv.8] 400{s} - Strength Bonus #1 (+10 dmg) (Melee)
[Lv.10] 600{s} - Strength Bonus #2 (+20 dmg) (Melee)
[Lv.12] 800{s} - Strength Bonus #3 (+30 dmg) (Melee)
[Lv.8] 300{s} - Intelligence Bonus #1 (+10 dmg) (Magic)
[Lv.10] 500{s} - Intelligence Bonus #2 (+20 dmg) (Magic)
[Lv.12] 750{s} - Intelligence Bonus #3 (+30 dmg) (Magic)
[Lv.8] 400{s} - Constitution Bonus #1 (+20 HP Total)
[Lv.10] 600{s} - Constitution Bonus #2 (+40 HP Total)
[Lv.12] 800{s} - Constitution Bonus #3 (+60 HP Total)
[Lv.8] 300{s} - Stamina Bonus #1 (+20SP Total)
[Lv.10] 500{s} - Stamina Bonus #2 (+35SP Total)
[Lv.12] 750{s} - Stamina Bonus #3 (+50SP Total)

[Lv.5] 250{s} - Tertiary Weapon (3rd Weapon slot)
[Lv.10] 500{s} - Quaternary Weapon (4th Weapon slot)
Races: (Bonuses are NOT cumulative)
Spoiler: show
[Lv.0] 0{s} - Elves, Legionaries, Snowgiants (N/A)
[Lv.1] 20{s} - Soldiers (+1 dmg (Melee)); Robots (+5SP total); Elementals (+8HP total)
[Lv.2] 30{s} - Pirates (+2 dmg (Melee)); Ninjas (+2 Shurikens)
[Lv.4] 60{s} - Angels (+4 null (Melee + Magic)); Demons (+4 dmg (Melee + Magic))
[Lv.5] 80{s} - Blade Masters (+6 dmg (Melee)); Dark Knights (+3 null (Melee + Magic); +3 dmg (Melee + Magic))
[Lv.6] 120{s} - Cyborgs (+5 storage); Natives (+10 null (Melee + Magic)); Insectoids (+5 damage (Melee + Magic) + 2 Storage)
[Lv.7] 200{s} - Undead (+2 dmg (Melee + Magic); +4 dmg when using an attack boost.)
[Lv.8] 450{s} - Arachnids (+12 dmg (Melee + Magic); +2 storage); Reptiles (+12 null (Melee + Magic); +2 storage)
[Lv.10] 650{s} - Terminators (+20 dmg (Melee + Magic) when attacking a higher Lv.; +8 against equal or lesser Levels.)
[Lv.12] 1000{s} - Dragons (+10 dmg (Melee + Magic); +10 null (Melee + Magic); +5 storage; +1 new attack)
Premium - Aliens (+3 dmg (Melee + Magic) [MUST have premium]
Spoiler: show
[Lv.0] 30{s} - Dog (+1 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
[Lv.2] 50{s} - Wolf (+3 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
[Lv.3] 100{s} - Bear (+5 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
[Lv.5] 250{s} - Lion (+7 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
[Lv.7] 400{s} - Griffin (+10 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
[Lv.10] 750{s} - Phoenix (+15 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
[Lv.12] 1000{s} - Dragon (+18 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
[Lv.15] 2000{s} - Hydra (+25 dmg (Melee + Magic)) (Pet)
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pet Levels:
Spoiler: show
Lv.0 - 0xp ... Base Attack (See Pet Shop)
Lv.1 - 10xp ... Base Attack +1
Lv.2 - 25xp ... Base Attack +2
Lv.3 - 50xp ... Base Attack +3
Lv.4 - 100xp ... Base Attack +4
Lv.5 - 250xp ... Base Attack +5
Lv.6 - 500xp ... Base Attack +6
Lv.7 - 750xp ... Base Attack +7
Lv.8 - 1000xp ... Base Attack +8
Lv.9 - 2500xp ... Base Attack +9
Lv.10 - 5000xp ... Base Attack +10
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _
Traveling Traders: (In town for 3 Days.)
Weapon Smith:
Spoiler: show
[Lv.2] 30{s} - Serrated Knife (+5 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.3] 50{s} - Steel Short Sword (+7 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
[Lv.5] 80{s} - Steel Long Sword (+10 dmg) (1-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
Old Hag:
Spoiler: show
[Lv.2] 30{s} - Jewel Encrusted Staff (+3 dmg (Melee); +7 dmg (Magic)) (1-handed)
[Lv.3] 40{s} - Love Potion (+50HP; -2 null for 2 turns.)
Spoiler: show
[Lv.3] 50{s} - Gold Ring (+5 dmg) (Finger, Metal) (Melee + Magic)
[Lv.5] 100{s} - Ivory Ring (+8 dmg) (Finger, Bone/Ivory) (Melee + Magic)
Mark the Money Maker: Buys your unused equipment and items for full price.
Last edited by Vortex_Master on Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:10 am, edited 49 times in total.
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Re: Vortex Wars RPG 2

Postby Vortex_Master » Thu May 16, 2013 11:58 pm

ENEMIES: (You may attack them for xp/{s}. You're rewarded for killing them. Must fight by yourself, or with allies. [Allies' reward is split.] Most enemies attack back.)
Giant Bear (Does 27 dmg back after you attack him.) [Chris's Fight]
Spoiler: show
Type: Giant
HP: 241/280
Primary Weapon: Claws (+25 dmg)
Armour: Fur (+15 null) (Natural) (Melee)
Reward: 150xp + 175{s}
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
Stone Golem (Does 62 dmg back after you attack him.)
Spoiler: show
Type: Giant
HP: 200/200
Primary Weapon: Stone Fists (+60 dmg)
Armour: Stone (+150 null) (Natural) (Melee + Magic + Projectile)
Reward: 150xp + 175{s}
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
Wraith (Does 72 dmg back after you attack him.) [BOSS]
Spoiler: show
Type: Evil
HP: 600/600
Primary Weapon: Shadow Longsword (+70 dmg)
Armour: Mysterious Cloak (+90 null) (Woven) (Melee + Magic)
Reward: 250xp + 300{s}
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
Banshee (Does 62 dmg back after you attack him.)
Spoiler: show
Type: Evil - Undead
HP: 500/500
Primary Weapon: Terrifying Scream (+60 dmg)
Armour: Misty Robe (+80 null) (Woven - Unnatural) (Melee + Magic + Projectile)
Reward: 200xp + 250{s}
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _
Monster 101 COMING SOON!
Last edited by Vortex_Master on Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:54 pm, edited 81 times in total.
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Re: Vortex Wars RPG 2

Postby Vortex_Master » Thu May 16, 2013 11:58 pm

Players: (Tutor has 739.5 HP, when he dies every player gets 1,000 shards. The player who kills him also gets a surprise weapon.)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
VORTEX_MASTER (Admin.) (Premium - 2 Days Remaining) (Last Move Updated: June 10) (Move - June 11 - Pending)
Spoiler: show
Xp: 460/1200
Class: Witcher (+2 dmg (Melee + Magic); +5SP total)
Race: Insectoid (+5 dmg (Melee + Magic); +2 Storage)
HP: 155/155
SP: 40/60
Shards: 1008
Pet: Lv.7 Dog (+8 dmg) (304xp)
Primary Weapon: Diamond-tipped Staff x2 (+10 dmg (Melee); +24 dmg (Magic); +20SP Total) (1-handed + 1-handed)
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Armour: Linen Cloak (+12 null) (Wooden) (Melee + Magic)
Tomb: Tomb of Destruction (+10 dmg) (5 turns left) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
Accessories: Head: Studded Leather Cap (+5HP; +9 null) (Head, Leather) (Melee)
Wrists: Studded Leather Bracer (+10 null) (Wrist, Leather) (Melee)
Fingers: Ivory Ring (+8 dmg) (Finger, Bone/Ivory) (Melee + Magic)
Waist: Studded Leather Belt (+8 null) (Waist, Leather) (Melee)
Items: 1: Apprentice Attack Scroll
2: Master Spell Scroll
3-7: N/A
Storage:Aliens, Guardian
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
OZSERF(Last Move Updated: June 8) (Moves - June 9 + June 10 - No move: Gained HP + SP) (Move - June 11 - Pending)
Spoiler: show
Xp: 3/75
Class: Guardian (+1 dmg (Melee + Magic); +1 null (Melee + Magic); +1SP total)
Race: Elf
HP: 30/30
SP: 1/1
Shards: 148
Pet: N/A
Primary Weapon:Stick (+1 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Armour: N/A
Tomb: N/A
Accessories: Head: N/A
Wrists: N/A
Fingers: N/A
Waist: N/A
Items: 1-5: N/A
Storage: N/A
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
CHRIS (Mod.) (Premium - 3 Days Remaining) (Last Move Updated: June 9) (Move - June 10 - To be updated: Admin. away for an hour.)
Spoiler: show
Xp: 184/600
Class: Ranger (+1 dmg (Melee); +3 dmg when using projectiles)
Race: Alien (+3 dmg (Melee + Magic))
HP: 44/50
SP: 15/15
Shards: 606
Pet: Lv.5 Wolf (+8 dmg) (38xp)
Primary Weapon:Club (+2 dmg) (1-handed) (Melee)
Secondary Weapon: Long Bow
Armour: Cotton Robe (+1 null) (Melee + Magic)
Tomb: N/A
Accessories: Head: N/A
Wrists: Cotten Bracelet (+1 null)
Fingers: N/A
Waist: N/A
Items: 1: Apprentice Attack Scroll
2: 5 Arrows? (Replaced every time used.) (Please specify if you would like to keep this many, or have 1 and buy a new one every time you use it.)
3-5: N/A
Storage: N/A
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
NEOEXDEATH (Premium - 1 Days Remaining) (Last Move Updated: June 10) (Move - June 11 - Pending)
Spoiler: show
Lv.8 Intelligence Bonus #1 (+10 dmg) (Magic)
Xp: 104/1500
Class: Witcher (+2 dmg (Melee + Magic); +5SP Total)
Race: Arachnids (+12 dmg (Melee + Magic); +2 Storage)
HP: 235/235
SP: 125/125 (Stamina Bonus #1 (+20SP Total))
Shards: 329
Pet: Lv. 7 Wolf (+10 dmg) (440xp)
Primary Weapon: Diamond-tipped Quarterstaff x2 (+20 dmg (Melee); +40 dmg (Magic); +40SP Total) (1-handed + 1-handed)
Secondary Weapon: Flail x2 (+26 dmg) (1-handed/Heavy + 1-handed/Heavy) (Melee)
Armour: Linen Cloak (+12 null) (Wood) (Melee)
Tomb: Tomb of Destruction (+10 dmg (Melee + Magic + Projectile)) (3 Days Remaining.)
Accessories: Head: Leather Cap (+5HP; +7 null (Melee))
Wrists: Wollen Bracelet (+4 null) (Wrist, Woven)
Fingers: Ivory Ring (+8 dmg) (Finger, Bone/Ivory) (Melee + Magic)
Waist: N/A
Items: (Immunity to Stealing)
1: Master Spell Scroll
2: Master Attack Scroll
3: Defense Boost
4: 2 Super Atk Boosts
5: Magical Diamond Sword (+15dmg (Melee); +12dmg (Magic) (1-handed) (160{s})
6-9: N/A
Storage: Aliens
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
RYANKILL (Premium - 4 Days Remaining) (Last Move Updated: June 9) (Move - June 10 - Unacceptable, insufficient data: Monster does not exist.)
Spoiler: show
Xp: 165/800
Class: Witcher (+2 dmg (Melee + Magic); +5SP Total)
Race: Aliens (+3 dmg (Melee + Magic))
HP: 35/95
SP: 1/45
Shards: 291
Pet: Lv.6 Dog (+7 dmg) (379xp)
Primary Weapon: Diamond-tipped Staff x2 (+10 dmg (Melee); +24 dmg (Magic); +20SP Total) (1-handed + 1-handed)
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Armour: Soft Leather Armour (+6 null) (Leather) (Melee)
Tomb: Lesser Tomb of Destruction (+5 dmg) (1 turns left) (Melee + Magic + Projectile (Bows))
Accessories: Head: Leather Cap (+5HP; +7 null) (Head, Leather) (Melee)
Wrists: Leather Bracer (+6 null) (Wrist, Leather) (Melee
Fingers: Wooden Band (Ring) (+4 dmg) (Finger, Wood) (Melee + Magic)
Waist: Leather Belt (+5 null) (Waist, Leather) (Melee)
Items: 1: Apprentice Attack Scroll
2: Master Spell Scroll
3-5: N/A
Storage: N/A
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
INFECTED WELCOME BACK! (Last Move Updated: June 9) (Move - June 10 -No Move: Gained HP + SP) (Move - June 11 - Pending)
Spoiler: show
Xp: 7/25
Class: Rogue (+1 dmg (Melee))
Race: Elf
HP: 20/20
SP: 0/0
Shards: 57
Pet: Lv.0 Dog (+1 dmg) (7xp)
Primary Weapon: Club x2 (+4 dmg) (1-handed + 1-handed) (Melee)
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Armour: N/A
Tomb: N/A
Accessories: Head: N/A
Wrists: N/A
Fingers: N/A
Waist: N/A
Items: 1: 1 Atk Boost
2-5: N/A
Storage: N/A
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
Ozserf, Ryankill, and Vortex_Master
Chris and Neoexdeath
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _
Last edited by Vortex_Master on Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:53 pm, edited 130 times in total.
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Postby Ozserf » Fri May 17, 2013 12:02 am

Last edited by Ozserf on Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vortex Wars RPG 2

Postby Vortex_Master » Fri May 17, 2013 12:05 am

Great, I just have to get everything up and running so you can choose your class and race. :)
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Postby Ozserf » Fri May 17, 2013 12:07 am

Last edited by Ozserf on Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vortex Wars RPG 2

Postby Vortex_Master » Fri May 17, 2013 12:08 am

Same as me... Cool.
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Postby Ozserf » Fri May 17, 2013 12:08 am

Last edited by Ozserf on Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vortex Wars RPG 2

Postby Vortex_Master » Fri May 17, 2013 12:33 am

I attack Tutor for 4 dmg. (Attack (2) + Weapon (1) + Class Bonus (1))

+4 xp, +4 {s}

I must be off for today.
Last edited by Vortex_Master on Fri May 17, 2013 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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