On this thread, post how many territories you've conquered compared to the number you've lost., then do a little division. You'll end up with a Conquer:Loss ratio, which I believe to be a better indicator of player skill than games won/lost. (Check the details page for stats, you might need premium)
Ratio - Rating
0-0.3 Uber Noob
0.3-0.5 Noob
0.5-0.7 Needs Practice
0.7-0.9 Below Average
0.9-1.1 Average
1.1-1.3 Above Average
1.3-1.5 Skilled Player
1.5-1.7 Exceptional Player
1.7-2.0 Professional Player
2+ VW Legend
My personal stats: 1480 conquers, 1048 losses.
C/L ratio of 1.41