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PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:28 am
by jwl1000
ok, lets face it. this forum, has about 25-30 actually pretty active people. maybe less. that is sad. we need a campaign. and what better way to entice rookie's and seniors than the glorious bloodshed of clan wars? we need at least 2 clans. at this point Wolfpack and Warriors Creed seem like the best matchups. even if we can't get 2 clans out there, just think, it would only take a single clan to show people this forum is fun.It would only take one clan kicking everyones butt to show that. if you aren't safe standing alone by yourself during battle, then you have to join a clan. and, if everyone needs a clan, we prosper. I've played this game called evony, and in it, if you stay out of a clan, or Alliance, you are an open target that everyone likes to pick on. each clan becomes so powerful because of the people flooding in that they might even need restrictions on what requirements you need to join. yes, i know that all the clans have their differences, but all we ever do is talk. we need to rise up, become active, rally together, and FIGHT!

Clans supporting

i'm gonna need signatures of people that like this idea, and those that oppose.

(none yet)

i will post this in multiple areas on the forum


PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:53 am
by calleharnemark
Don't spam that message everywhere. It belongs in clan general discussion