The WolfPack

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The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:37 pm

Wolf banner.jpg
Wolf banner.jpg (18.72 KiB) Viewed 40527 times

Welcome to the Wolfpack's page. We are the oldest clan today - having survived the rising and falling tide of clan activity since our creation on September 20th, 2012. Please feel free to send a private message to any of our RedWolves, or make a comment on this thread if you're interested in joining and would like more information.

We're a friendly group of players, dedicated to making your experience in VortexWars as fantastic as it can possibly be. We participate in Clan Wars, are a Member of the Clan Council, and host Clan only matches frequently, as well as trainings.

Joining Instructions!
Spoiler: show
Fill out the following fields and post it as a response on this thread.
*Forum name:
*Game name (required that you play the game):
*Nickname (If you want to be called by your forum name, write it here):
*Time zone:
*Time you are normally on:
*Preferences and skills:


1.) Autumnwolf17 [28]
2.) Calleharnemark [28]
3.) Chris1726354 [35]
4.) Fangfallen [28]
5.) Grego [28]
6.) Guineazilla [22]
7.) Halabalala [38]
8.) Hakunamatata [43]
9.) Infected [28]
10.) Jwb48 [21]
11.) Mattie [28]
12.) Neoexdeath [27]
13.) Some guy7820 [18]
14.) Vortex_Master [28]

The multi-clan members of the Wolfpack - you are welcome, even if you're in every single other clan. Coyotes do not have voting rights, but they may partake in all clan events given that the RedWolf in charge has approved them.

These are our inactive members, GreyWolves are honorary members


1.) 1999eaglesfan
3.) AdamC1234
4.) Aero27
5.) Arya Dröttingu
6.) Assassinmistress
7.) Bearbear1
8.) Beowolf
9.) CHASE361224
10.) CR1MS0NV01D
12.) Canag0d
13.) Cats1
14.) Cerkeziomer (Omercerkezi)
15.) Clan Ghost Bear
16.) Clockeye
17.) CookieMonsterz ( Mr.Donut )
18.) DERKA_J1988
19.) DemonWolf7896
20.) Dinomyte
21.) Do-Katsu ( Kat52160 )
22.) Duendenegro
23.) EpicStrategist
24.) Epsilon10 ( NeonExorcist10 )
25.) Fincer
26.) Finnion
27.) Firedragon ( FireDragon356 )
28.) FoKoNinja
29.) Gardock
30.) GoldSniper
31.) Greatwerewolf
32.) Hearthacker
33.) Helltank
34.) Hicksy17
35.) Imnotacow
37.) Ints18
38.) Ivan1097
39.) Jeffery
40.) JeremyTheEmperor
41.) Jokern
42.) KL00D
43.) Katiebug43
44.) Kirotori
45.) Kyouma
46.) Master_Fox
47.) Minelion11
48.) Necrocat219
49.) NotaNoob ( BeatlesFan )
50.) Pizdelis
51.) Quack ( Slengar )
52.) Rbk414
55.) Saffireember
56.) Shywolfgirl
57.) Smoketony
59.) Spore333
61.) Tattlingfuture2
62.) TheFieldFox
63.) UndeadSoulz
64.) Varientsword
65.) Venom_097
66.) Vor856
67.) Vortexkiller12
68.) ZUKUZ

Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:40 pm, edited 186 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:38 pm

~Message Board~ wrote:Stay in tune!
Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:40 pm, edited 383 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:39 pm


This post is completely useless.

We moved the useless post to the middle to check for reading... reply "Wolf is better than Fang" to win the Autumn Award. :)
Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:50 pm, edited 114 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:39 pm


Our Pack is bound together by not only word but by blood. We share our hopes, our dreams, OUR DESTINIES with our PackMates. We live under the laws of life and obey our hearts on the battlefield. WE HAVE NO BOUNDS!

Under our three values, we shall conquer the warring mists of the Vortex, whether by peace or by long and bloody war. No one will stand in the way as long as we follow the virtues:

With our hearts, we show bravery: To fight for what we know, what we love, what we FEEL and to never give up when we know we can win!
With our minds, we show knowledge: We understand our PackMates and see into the minds of our enemies. We keep our minds clear and focused in the heat of battle!
With our souls, we show loyalty: Even when we doubt ourselves, we never doubt our PackMates. We honour them and fight for them with everything we have!


1. The Alpha is your leader, and leads the Pack
2. If the Alpha is not present, the BetaWolf takes his role unless otherwise specified
3. In clan battles, your Packmates are always your allies
4. Outside of clan battles, you are not allies (unless announced before the game, as is normal)
5. Play with honor and proudly represent your Pack
6. Look up to your elder Packmates and welcome the younger members
7. Respect your Packmates, get to know them well, and treat them as family
8. Respect members outside of the Pack as friends
9. You are expected to participate as a member of the Clan, not every day, but as active as possible
10. Please do not spam this page (or for that matter, anywhere else)
11. WolfPack means honor, strength, and loyalty, be the best you can be, make us proud to have you.

Alpha Rules:

1. The clan remains "The WolfPack", and it's members are "Wolves"
2. Autumnwolf17, the Founder, cannot be kicked out or removed
3. Other established members can't be kicked out without very good basis (no kicking sprees)
4. Elections for desired positions should be held on a reasonable basis
5. In the event of the Alpha's departure or extended absence, either the Founder or next-in-command is to take control and hold an election within a reasonable timeframe
6. Current activities and major records should be continued by the new Alpha, allotted to another member, or otherwise changed/dealt with by the new Alpha
7. All WolfPack laws must be consistent with the overall rules for the game and forum
8. No loopholes
Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Sun Nov 26, 2017 12:00 am, edited 28 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:40 pm

Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Tue May 12, 2015 12:46 am, edited 23 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:47 pm

Wolfpack Blacklist (people not allowed into Wolf specific games):

Lancestar2 (Autisticwolf17, Bingo204712, DR.DeathStar9, FireDemon17, Jaccob4770, Kansas, Machinedramon, MR(L), Nebraska, Pickles88, RedLine, TweetieBird)
Kingblackfire (DarkTrollLord, RobertELiege, ZERAZORFISH)
Fangfallen (Only on Tuesdays)
Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Tue May 12, 2015 12:46 am, edited 5 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:48 pm

Timeline of Members (Originally by Strafe12, Currently updated by Autumnwolf17)
Finally did it. If anybody wants to add something, just tell me what it is and give a date.

Spoiler: show
WolfPack Timeline

Note: All events are based on the day only, hours are not included
Events prior to 9/20/12 are not recorded
Only official departures, peaceful or otherwise are recorded
Active Member
Inactive Member
Inactive Member (Honors)
Leaving Member [Date of Departure]
Kicked Member [Date of Departure]
Other Events

9/20/12 – WolfPack formed (Autumnwolf17)
9/20/12 – Autumnwolf17 joins (1st)
9/20/12 – Hicksy17 joins (2nd)
9/20/12 – Strafe12 joins (3rd)
9/21/12 – Clan Ghost Bear joins (4th)
9/23/12 – Dinomyte joins (5th)
9/29/12 – Tonyy4 joins (6th) [10.24.12]
9/30/12 – Varientsword joins (7th)
10/9/12 – Vortexkiller12 joins (8th)
10/11/12 – Autumnwolf17’s birthday
10/12/12 – Necrocat219 joins (9th)
10/14/12 – JeremytheEmperor (10th)
10/14/12 – Greatwerewolf joins (11th)
10/26/12 – 1999eaglesfan joins (12th)
10/26/12 – Calleharnemark joins (13th)
10/29/12 – Helltank joins (14th)
11/7/12 – Royalblue joins
11/9/12 – Clockeye joins (15th)
11/19/12 – Ryankill joins (16th) [06.10.13]
11/19/12 – MONGOOSEICLON joins (17th) [03.30.13]
11/20/12 – Guineazilla joins (18th)
11/23/12 – Elves joins (19th)
11/24/12 – Johnnyboy joins (20th) [02.20.13]
11/24/12 – EpicStrategist joins (21st)
11/25/12 – Neoexdeath joins (22nd)
11/25/12 – Tkick joins (23rd) [12.01.12]
12/3/12 – MegaSPOC joins (24th) [12.16.12]
12/5/12 – TattlingFuture2 joins (25th)
12/7/12 – Aceplayer24/Venom_097 joins (26th)
12/7/12 – KL00D joins (27th)
12/13/12 – Jwb48 joins (28th)
12/19/12 – HamidShahid joins (29th)
12/19/12 – Demonwolf7896 joins (30th)
12/21/12 – Hearthacker joins (31th)
1/1/13 – Epsilon10 joins (32nd)
1/5/13 – Fangfallen joins (33rd)
1/23/13 – Mr. Donut joins (34th)
1/23/13 – Canag0d joins (35th)
1/29/13 – Rbk414 joins (36th)
2/13/13 – Do-Katsu joins (37th)
2/21/13 – Chris1726354 joins (38th)
3/1/13 – Smoketony joins (39th)
3/17/13 – CR1MSONV01D joins (40th)
3/29/13 – Zool44 joins (41st) [07.23.13]
4/6/13 – Richyboi joins (42nd) [06.02.13]
4/7/13 – Ints18 joins (43rd)
4/15/13 – Firedragon356 joins (44th)
4/27/13 – K999999999 joins (45th) [04.27.13]
5/6/13 – ZUKUZ joins (46th)
5/7/13 – Aboad2 joins (47th)
6/14/13 – AdamC1234 joins (48th)
6/17/13 – Jeffery joins (49th)
7/5/13 – Codamo joins (50th) [09.02.13]
7/9/13 – Lancestar2 is banned
7/12/13 – Mattie joins (51st)
7/16/13 – Aero27 joins (52nd)
7/17/13 – Spore333 joins (53rd)
7/18/13 – Tigersflame joins (54th) [08.31.13]
7/21/13 – Jokern joins (55th)
7/25/13 – Saffireember joins (56th)
7/26/13 – Notanoob joins (57th)
8/5/13 – FoKoNinja joins (58th)
8/5/13 – Master_Fox joins (59th)
8/5/13 – Vor856 joins (60th)
8/5/13 – Gardock joins (61st)
8/15/13 – Bearbear1 joins (62nd)
8/15/13 – Minelion11 joins (63rd)
8/17/13 – BB1235 joins (64th)
8/24/13 – CHASE361224 joins (65th)
8/24/13 – Kingsniff joins (66th) [08.26.13]
8/24/13 – Halabalala joins (67th)
8/25/13 – Kyouma joins (68th)
8/26/13 – Quack joins (69th)
8/31/13 – Assassinmistress joins (70th)
8/31/13 – Beowolf joins (71st)
9/1/13 – THEGINGER joins (72nd)
9/3/13 – Katiebug43 joins (73rd)
9/8/13 – AVARHUN joins (74th)
9/9/13 – Vortex_Master joins (75th)
9/10/13 – Gollum01 joins (76th) [09.22.13]
9/11/13 – Pizdelis joins (77th)
9/19/13 – TheFieldFox joins (78th)
9/26/13 – Cats1 joins (79th)
9/28/13 – Shywolfgirl joins (80th)
10/11/13 – Autumnwolf17's birthday
12/29/13 – Infected joins (81st)
1/3/14 – Cerkeziomer joins (82nd)
1/17/14 – Gafanhoto joins (83rd) [01.30.13]
2/12/14 – DERKA_J1988 joins (84th)
3/7/14 – Ivan1097 joins (85th)
3/8/14 – Duendenegro joins (86th)
3/19/14 – Finnion joins (87th)
4/9/14 – Arya Dröttingu joins (88th)
4/14/14 – Imnotacow joins (89th)
5/7/14 – UndeadSoulz joins (90th)
6/10/14 – Some guy7820 joins (91st)
7/11/14 – Bluethorn joins (92nd) [09.06.14]
8/6/14 – GoldSniper joins (93rd)
10/14/14 – Fangfallen becomes 2nd AlphaWolf
1/2/15 – Finnishduck joins (95th)
1/4/15 – Fincer joins (96th)
1/5/15 – Grego joins (97th)
1/10/15 – Bigbutter joins (98th) [05.11.15]

Spoiler: show
Watching your actions and
Reading your thoughts,
Remembering pasts,
Helping their lost

I am creating your
Hopes for the dawn,
I am cold memories
Long have been gone

Flying the flag
So high and aloof,
I am the world's soul,
Its heart and its wolf
Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:13 am, edited 9 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Posts: 10764
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:50 pm

Members Master List:

Image Autumnwolf17
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Autumnwolf17
*Game name: Autumnwolf17
*Nickname: Autumn/Wolf
*Time zone: East Coast, USA (-4)
*Time you are normally on: 16:00-18:00
*Level: 42
*Preferences and skills: I am skilled and experienced in all game types excluding 1v1q and I'm probably best at random distribution. I prefer medium to large sized maps with strategic maneuvering points. I am also really good at alliances for clan wars, I have bought mostly everything in the shop (including all upgrades and premium), and I'm available every day at most times.


Image Beowolf ( Takis10 )
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Beowolf
*Game name: Takis10
*Nickname: Beowolf
*Time zone: (+1)
*Time you are normally on: 10-14, 20-2
*Level: 31
*Preferences and skills: Conquer, Borders, Attrition or Hardcore, All Upgrades Enabled

Image Calleharnemark
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Calleharnemark
*Game name: Calleharnemark
*Nickname: Caithlyn
*Time zone: Sweden (+2)
*Time you are normally on: I'm on at any time really
*Level: 40
*Preferences and skills: Big maps

Image Cats1
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Cats1
*Game name: Cats1
*Nickname: Cats
*Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (-5)
*Time you are normally on: 3:30 to 8:00 PM
*Level: 25
*Preferences and skills: Being happy

Image Chris1726354
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Chris1726354
*Game name: Chris1726354
*Nickname: Aldaggeruss
*Time zone: (-6)
*Time you are normally on: After 3 on weekdays, after 9am at least on weekends
*Level: 35
*Preferences and skills: I generally like to not pay attention like a retard

Image DERKA_J1988
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: DERKA_J1988
*Game name: DERKA_J1988
*Nickname: Derka
*Time zone: EST
*Time you are normally on: Nights and days off
*Level: 15
*Preferences and skills: Werewolves, I'm a team player and when I play solo I don't surrender

Image Duendenegro
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Duendenegro
*Game name: Duendenegro
*Nickname: Duende
*Time zone: Spain (0)
*Time you are normally on: 16:00-4:00
*Level: 26
*Preferences and skills: HC and <L maps, I work well in team

Image Fangfallen
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Fangfallen
*Game name: Fangfallen
*Nickname: Fangy Frou (Fang)
*Time zone: Central Time Zone (-5)
*Time normally on: I am on the forums periodically throughout the day. In-game you can expect to see me periodically between 6:30PM and 12:00AM.
*Level: 33
*Preferences and skills: My preference is to have you all behave. My skill is punishing you if you don't.

Image Fincer
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Fincer
*Game name: Fincer
*Nickname: Fincer
*Time zone: Belgium (+1)
*Time you are normally on: Evenings
*Level: 31
*Preferences and skills: Big, full maps

Image Grego ( Gregocorominas )
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Grego
*Game name: Gregocorominas
*Nickname: Grego
*Time zone: (-3)
*Time you are normally on: Any day
*Level: 28
*Preferences and skills: Big maps, Conquer, HC & Borders

Image Guineazilla
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Guineazilla
*Game name: Guineazilla
*Nickname: Guineazilla, Guinea, Guin, G-Zilla, Zilla
*Time zone: East Pacific Time (-5)
*Time you are normally on: Weekdays: Largely Varies, Depends on certain factors. Weekends: 11 AM-2:00AM
*Level: 22
*Preferences and skills: Attrition and a good 1 on 1 battle.
*In particular, I like playing on the maps: The World is Yours, Techgump; 8 players 2000, Hitler; Farrell Thomas's Map of the Moon, Guineazilla

Image Hakunamatata
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Hakunamatata
*Game name: Hakunamatata
*Nickname: Hakunamatata
*Time zone: Central European Time Zone
*Time you are normally on: Usually every night, after 10
*Level: 43
*Preferences and skills: Hard attacking gamestyle with terminator

Image Halabalala
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Halabalala
*Game name: Halabalala
*Nickname: Halabalala
*Time zone: GMT+1
*Time you are normally on: 1pm - 6am for now :) I'm playing for like 5 days +/- 10h a day :)
*Level: 38
*Preferences and skills: Hard to say for the beginning. I have natives so I try to adapt my strategy to this race.

Image Hearthacker
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Hearthacker
*Game name: Hearthacker
*Nickname: Hearthacker
*Time zone: India (+5:30)
*Time you are normally on:
*Level: 56
*Preferences and skills:

Image Infected
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Infected
*Game name: Infected
*Nickname: Infected
*Time zone: Mountain
*Time you are normally on: No specific time.
*Level: 27
*Preferences and skills: Aggressive; eat or be eaten.

Image Ivan1097
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Ivan1097
*Game name: Ivan1097
*Nickname: ItaWolf
*Time zone: Italy (+1)
*Time you are normally on: 15:00-16:00 or 17:00-18:00
*Level: 18
*Preferences and skills: Good in attrition (more strategy than HC), good in manual and border too, hate casual and friendly in chat

Image Jwb48
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Jwb48
*Game name: Jwb48
*Nickname: Jwb48
*Time zone: EDT-0400 UTC (-4)
*Time you are normally on: Anywhere from 6:00-11:00?
*Level: 21
*Preferences and skills: small maps and some large maps

Image Kyouma ( ShiroKyouma )
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Kyouma
*Game name: ShiroKyouma
*Nickname: ShiroWolf
*Time zone: Lisbon (0)
*Time you are normally on: 19 - 00
*Level: 24
*Preferences and skills: Whatever is necessary

Image Master_Fox
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Master_Fox
*Game name: Master_Fox
*Nickname: Master
*Time zone: ?
*Time you are normally on: 15:00, 19:00
*Level: 17
*Preferences and skills: I like races that have attack bonuses, for example werewolf. My strategy is to attack quickly without truce, I play to win and without mercy.

Image Mattie ( John Joe )
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Mattie
*Game name: John Joe
*Nickname: Mattie
*Time zone: (0)
*Time you are normally on: Saturdays
*Level: 44
*Preferences and skills: Big maps HC & Borders

Image Neoexdeath
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Neoexdeath
*Game name: Neoexdeath
*Nickname: Neo
*Time zone: UTC
*Time you are normally on: 7pm-9pm
*Level: 27
*Preferences and skills: I prefer attrition and large maps. I also may seem to "brutalize" others with my strategies.

Image Royalblue ( Powerofpower )
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Royalblue
*Game name: Royalblue
*Nickname: Royal, Blue, Poppy
*Time zone: CDT (Central Daylight Time)
*Time you are normally on:
*Preferences and skills: WolfPack PATROL Leader

Image Some guy7820
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Some guy7820
*Game name: Some guy7820
*Nickname: Someguy
*Time zone: Eastern USA
*Time you are normally on:
*Level: 18
*Preferences and skills: Normal?

Image Strafe12
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Strafe12
*Game name: Strafe12
*Nickname: Strafe
*Time zone: EST
*Time you are normally on: Around 4-5 PM or 6:30-8 PM and rarely 12-1 PM.
*Level: 12
*Preferences and skills: Good at small quick games and large slow games, and I am loyal

Image TheFieldFox
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: TheFieldFox
*Game name: TheFieldFox
*Nickname: My real name is Sebastian, so that or Seabass is just fine.
*Time zone: Central time USA
*Time you are normally on: I'm on at random times (the life of a college student)
*Level: 15
*Preferences and skills: I prefer Random based attrition games, with no attack up/ defense shield option. I'm more of a passive player not agro-ing other players until I'm in a position to strike with certain victory.

Image Venom_097 ( Aceplayer24 )
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Venom_097
*Game name: Venom_097 or Aceplayer24
*Nickname: Venom or Alex
*Time zone: (0)
*Time you are normally on: It varies
*Level: 16
*Preferences and skills: I play defensively but I know when to attack

Image Vortex_Master
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Vortex_Master
*Game name: Vortex_Master
*Nickname: Vortex, VM, Master, VMaster, V_M
*Time zone: Central Standard Time
*Time you are normally on: Whenever I feel like it. Not that it matters.
*Level: 27
*Preferences and skills: Not levelling up.

Image Vortexkiller12
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Vortexkiller12
*Game name: Vortexkiller12
*Nickname: Aurawolf, Aerilyn, Vortex or Killer
*Time zone: (0)
*Time you are normally on: Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday
*Level: 18
*Preferences and skills: Two player games and conquer

Spoiler: show
*Forum name: ZUKUZ
*Game name: ZUKUZ
*Nickname: ZUKUZ
*Time zone: SPAIN
*Time you are normally on: 22.00-24.00
*Level: 33
*Preferences and skills: SLOWPLAY

HonorWolves: (inactive members with special recognition for their contributions to our Pack that shaped it to what it is today)

Image Clan Ghost Bear
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Clan Ghost Bear
*Game name: Clan Ghost Bear
*Nickname: Kodiak, Bear, CGB

Image Hicksy17 ( Hicksy16 )
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Hicksy17
*Game name: Hicksy16
*Nickname: Hicksy

Image Necrocat219
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Necrocat219
*Game name: Necrocat219
*Nickname: Cat

Image Varientsword
Spoiler: show
*Forum name: Varientsword
*Game name: Varientsword
*Nickname: Silverwolf/Sword
Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:37 pm, edited 13 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Re: The WolfPack

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:59 pm

Last edited by Autumnwolf17 on Wed May 18, 2016 10:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
~ Wolf
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Posts: 10764
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